
Pie vs. Tart

The main difference between Pie and Tart is that the Pie is a baked dish and Tart is a baked dessert dish, a filled pastry base with an open top not covered with pastry.

Cd vs. Dvd

Cd (noun) a compact disc. Dvd (noun) a type of compact disc able to store …

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Slim vs. Skinny

Slim (adjective) Slender, thin. Slim (adjective) Slender in an attractive way. “Movie stars are usually …

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Invention vs. Innovation

The main difference between Invention and Innovation is that the Invention is a the act of inventing something and Innovation is a application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated needs, or existing market needs.

Shirt vs. Jacket

The main difference between Shirt and Jacket is that the Shirt is a garment for the upper body and Jacket is a clothing for the upper body.

Ketone vs. Aldehyde

The main difference between Ketone and Aldehyde is that the Ketone is a class of organic compounds having structure RCOR´ and Aldehyde is a organic compound containing a functional group with the structure −CHO, consisting of a carbonyl center (a carbon double-bonded to oxygen) with the carbon atom also bonded to hydrogen and to an R group, which is any generic alkyl or side chain

Antiseptic vs. Disinfectant

The main difference between Antiseptic and Disinfectant is that the Antiseptic is a antimicrobial substance and Disinfectant is a antimicrobial agent that is applied to non-living objects (compare: antisepsis) to reduce the number of microorganisms (unwanted germs and parasites) on them (compare:sterilization)

Plethoric vs. Ruddy

Plethoric (adjective) Suffering from plethora; ruddy in complexion, congested or swollen with blood. from 14th …

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Analogy vs. Simile

The main difference between Analogy and Simile is that the Analogy is a inference or argument from one particular to another particular and Simile is a figure of speech.