Wobble (noun)
An unsteady motion.
“The fat man walked down the street with a wobble.”
Wobble (noun)
A tremulous sound.
“There was a wobble on her high notes.”
Wobble (noun)
A low-frequency oscillation sometimes used in dubstep
Wobble (verb)
To move with an uneven or rocking motion, or unsteadily to and fro.
“the Earth wobbles slowly on its axis;”
“the jelly wobbled on the plate”
Wobble (verb)
To tremble or quaver.
“The soprano’s voice wobbled alarmingly.”
Wobble (verb)
To vacillate in one’s opinions.
“I’m wobbling between the Liberals and the Greens.”
Wobble (verb)
To cause to wobble.
“The boy wobbled the girl’s bike.”
Wabble (verb)
wobble, move to and fro