Will vs. Would

By Jaxson

  • Will (verb)

    To wish, desire (something). 9th-18th c.

    “Do what you will.”

  • Will (verb)

    To wish or desire (that something happen); to intend (that). 9th-19th c.

  • Will (verb)

    To habitually do (a given action). from 9th c.

  • Will (verb)

    To choose to (do something), used to express intention but without any temporal connotations (+ bare infinitive). from 10th c.

  • Will (verb)

    Used to express the future tense, sometimes with some implication of volition when used in the first person. Compare shall. from 10th c.

  • Will (verb)

    To be able to, to have the capacity to. from 14th c.

    “Unfortunately, only one of these gloves will actually fit over my hand.”

  • Will (verb)

    To wish, desire. 9th–19th c.

  • Will (verb)

    To instruct (that something be done) in one’s will. from 9th c.

  • Will (verb)

    To try to make (something) happen by using one’s will (intention). from 10th c.

    “All the fans were willing their team to win the game.”

  • Will (verb)

    To bequeath (something) to someone in one’s will (legal document). from 15th c.

    “He willed his stamp collection to the local museum.”

  • Will (noun)

    One’s independent faculty of choice; the ability to be able to exercise one’s choice or intention. from 9th c.

    “Of course, man’s will is often regulated by his reason.”

  • Will (noun)

    One’s intention or decision; someone’s orders or commands. from 9th c.

    “Eventually I submitted to my parents’ will.”

  • Will (noun)

    The act of choosing to do something; a person’s conscious intent or volition. from 10th c.

    “Most creatures have a will to live.”

  • Will (noun)

    A formal declaration of one’s intent concerning the disposal of one’s property and holdings after death; the legal document stating such wishes. from 14th c.

  • Will (noun)

    That which is desired; one’s wish. from 10th c.

  • Will (noun)

    Desire, longing. (Now generally merged with later senses.) from 9th c.

    “He felt a great will to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.”

  • Would (verb)

    As a past-tense form of will.

  • Would (verb)

    Wished, desired (something). 9th-19thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Wanted to ( + bare infinitive). from 9thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Used to; was or were habitually accustomed to ( + bare infinitive); indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly. from 9thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Used with bare infinitive to form the “anterior future”, indicating a futurity relative to a past time. from 9thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Used with ellipsis of the infinitive verb, or postponement to a relative clause, in various senses. from 9thc.

  • Would (verb)

    As a modal verb, the subjunctive of will.

  • Would (verb)

    Was determined to; loosely, could naturally have been expected to (given the tendencies of someone’s character etc.). from 18thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Used to give a conditional or potential “softening” to the present; might, might wish. from 9thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Used as the auxiliary of the simple conditional modality (with a bare infinitive); indicating an action or state that is conditional on another. from 9thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Might wish ( + verb in past subjunctive); often used in the first person (with or without that) in the sense of “if only”. from 13thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Used to impart a sense of hesitancy or uncertainty to the present; might be inclined to. Now sometimes colloquially with ironic effect. from 15thc.

  • Would (verb)

    Used interrogatively to express a polite request; are (you) willing to …? from 15thc.

    “Would you pass the salt, please?”

  • Would (noun)

    Something that would happen, or would be the case, under different circumstances; a potentiality.

  • Would (verb)

    past of will, in various senses

    “the windows would not close”

    “he said he would be away for a couple of days”

    “she wouldn’t leave”

  • Would (verb)

    (expressing the conditional mood) indicating the consequence of an imagined event or situation

    “he would lose his job if he were identified”

  • Would (verb)

    used to give advice

    “I wouldn’t drink that if I were you”

  • Would (verb)

    expressing a desire or inclination

    “I would love to work in America”

    “would you like some water?”

  • Would (verb)

    expressing a polite request

    “would you pour the wine, please?”

  • Would (verb)

    expressing willingness or consent

    “who would live here?”

  • Would (verb)

    expressing a conjecture, opinion, or hope

    “I would imagine that they’re home by now”

    “I guess some people would consider it brutal”

    “I would have to agree”

  • Would (verb)

    used to make a comment about behaviour that is typical

    “they would say that, wouldn’t they?”

  • Would (verb)

    expressing a wish or regret

    “would that he had lived to finish it”

Oxford Dictionary

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