Wierd vs. Weird

By Jaxson

  • Wierd (adjective)

    misspelling of weird

  • Wierd (adjective)

    obsolete spelling of weird

  • Weird (adjective)

    Of or pertaining to the Fates.

    “maintenance line|Can we find and add a quotation to this entry?”

  • Weird (adjective)

    Connected with fate or destiny; able to influence fate.

  • Weird (adjective)

    Of or pertaining to witches or witchcraft; supernatural; unearthly; suggestive of witches, witchcraft, or unearthliness; wild; uncanny.

  • Weird (adjective)

    Having supernatural or preternatural power.

    “There was a weird light shining above the hill.”

  • Weird (adjective)

    Having an unusually strange character or behaviour.

    “There are lots of weird people in this place.”

  • Weird (adjective)

    Deviating from the normal; bizarre.

    “It was quite weird to bump into all my ex-girlfriends on the same day.”

  • Weird (noun)

    Fate; destiny; luck.

  • Weird (noun)

    A prediction.

  • Weird (noun)

    A spell or charm.

  • Weird (noun)

    That which comes to pass; a fact.

  • Weird (noun)

    The Fates (personified).

  • Weird (verb)

    To destine; doom; change by witchcraft or sorcery.

  • Weird (verb)

    To warn solemnly; adjure.


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