The domestic yak (Bos grunniens) is a long-haired domesticated bovid found throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau and as far north as Mongolia and Russia. It is descended from the wild yak (Bos mutus).
Vomit (verb)
To regurgitate or eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; puke.
Vomit (verb)
To regurgitate and discharge (something swallowed); to spew.
Vomit (verb)
To eject from any hollow place; to belch forth; to emit.
Vomit (noun)
The regurgitated former contents of a stomach; vomitus.
Vomit (noun)
The act of regurgitating.
Vomit (noun)
That which causes vomiting; an emetic.
Yak (noun)
An ox-like mammal native to the Himalayas and Tibet with dark, long, and silky hair, a horse-like tail, and a full, bushy mane.
Yak (noun)
A talk, particular an informal talk; chattering; gossip.
Yak (noun)
A laugh.
Yak (noun)
Yak (noun)
A kayak.
Yak (verb)
To talk, particularly informally but persistently; to chatter or prattle.
Yak (verb)
To vomit, usually as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.
Vomit (verb)
eject matter from the stomach through the mouth
“she used to vomit up her food”
“the sickly stench made him want to vomit”
Vomit (verb)
emit (something) in an uncontrolled stream or flow
“the machine vomited fold after fold of paper”
Vomit (noun)
matter vomited from the stomach
“the cell stank of vomit and urine”
Vomit (noun)
an emetic.
Yak (noun)
a large domesticated wild ox with shaggy hair, humped shoulders, and large horns, used in Tibet as a pack animal and for its milk, meat, and hide.
Yak (noun)
trivial or unduly prolonged conversation.
Yak (verb)
talk at length about trivial or boring subjects
“she wondered what he was yakking about”
Vomit Illustrations

Yak Illustrations