Defined broadly, a visionary is one who can envision the future. For some groups this can involve the supernatural.
The visionary state is achieved via meditation, drugs, lucid dreams, daydreams, or art. One example is Hildegard of Bingen, a 12th-century artist and Catholic saint. Other visionaries in religion are St Bernadette and Joseph Smith, said to have had visions of and communed with the Blessed Virgin and the Angel Moroni, respectively. There is also the case of Targum Jonathan, which was produced in the antiquity and served as the targum to the Nevi’im. It described the significance of the turban or a diadem to indicate a capability on the part of Jewish priests to become agents of visionary experience.
Visionary (adjective)
having vision or foresight
Visionary (adjective)
imaginary or illusory
Visionary (adjective)
prophetic or revelatory
Visionary (adjective)
idealistic or utopian
“a visionary scheme or project”
Visionary (noun)
someone who has visions; a seer
Visionary (noun)
an impractical dreamer
Visionary (noun)
someone who has positive ideas about the future
Realist (noun)
An advocate of realism; one who believes that matter, objects etc. have real existence beyond our perception of them.
Realist (noun)
One who believes in seeing things the way they really are, as opposed to how they would like them to be.
Realist (noun)
An adherent of the realism movement; an artist who seeks to portray real everyday life accurately.