In law, a trial is a coming together of parties to a dispute, to present information (in the form of evidence) in a tribunal, a formal setting with the authority to adjudicate claims or disputes. One form of tribunal is a court. The tribunal, which may occur before a judge, jury, or other designated trier of fact, aims to achieve a resolution to their dispute.
Tryal (noun)
obsolete spelling of trial
Trial (noun)
An opportunity to test something out; a test.
“They will perform the trials for the new equipment next week.”
Trial (noun)
Appearance at judicial court in order to be examined.
Trial (noun)
A difficult or annoying experience.
“That boy was a trial to his parents.”
Trial (noun)
A tryout to pick members of a team.
“soccer trials”
Trial (noun)
A piece of ware used to test the heat of a kiln.
Trial (noun)
An internal examination set by Eton College.
Trial (adjective)
Pertaining to a trial or test.
Trial (adjective)
Attempted on a provisional or experimental basis.
Trial (adjective)
Characterized by having three (usually equivalent) components.
Trial (adjective)
Trial (adjective)
Pertaining to a language form referring to three of something, like people; contrast singular, dual and plural. (See Ambai language for an example.)
“No language has a trial number unless it has a dual.”
Trial (verb)
To carry out a series of tests on (a new product, procedure etc.) before marketing or implementing it.
“The warning system was extensively trialed before being fitted to all our vehicles.”
Trial (verb)
To try out (a new player) in a sports team.
“The team trialled a new young goalkeeper in Saturday’s match, with mixed results.”
Trial (noun)
a formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings
“the editor was summoned to stand trial for libel”
“the newspaper accounts of the trial”
Trial (noun)
a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something
“clinical trials must establish whether the new hip replacements are working”
Trial (noun)
a sports match to test the ability of players eligible for selection to a team
“he cracked his ankle the week before the final trial”
Trial (noun)
a test of individual ability on a motorcycle over rough ground or on a road.
Trial (noun)
an event in which horses, dogs, or other animals compete or perform
“horse trials”
Trial (noun)
a person, experience, or situation that tests a person’s endurance or forbearance
“the trials and tribulations of married life”
Trial (verb)
test (something, especially a new product) to assess its suitability or performance
“teachers all over the UK are trialling the materials”
Trial (verb)
(of a horse, dog, or other animal) compete in trials
“the pup trialled on Saturday”