Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.
Travell (noun)
obsolete form of travel
Travell (noun)
obsolete form of travail
Travell (verb)
archaic form of travel
Travel (verb)
To be on a journey, often for pleasure or business and with luggage; to go from one place to another.
“I like to travel.”
Travel (verb)
To pass from here to there; to move or transmit; to go from one place to another.
“Soundwaves can travel through water.”
Travel (verb)
To move illegally by walking or running without dribbling the ball.
Travel (verb)
To travel throughout (a place).
“I’ve travelled the world.”
Travel (verb)
To force to journey.
Travel (verb)
To labour; to travail.
Travel (noun)
The act of traveling.
“space travel”
“travel to Spain”
Travel (noun)
A series of journeys.
Travel (noun)
An account of one’s travels.
“I’m off on my travels around France again.”
Travel (noun)
The activity or traffic along a route or through a given point.
Travel (noun)
The working motion of a piece of machinery; the length of a mechanical stroke.
“There was a lot of travel in the handle, because the tool was out of adjustment.”
“My drill press has a travel of only 1.5 inches.”
Travel (noun)
Labour; parturition; travail.
Travel (verb)
make a journey, typically of some length
“we travelled thousands of miles”
“the vessel had been travelling from Libya to Ireland”
Travel (verb)
journey along (a road) or through (a region)
“he travelled the world with the army”
Travel (verb)
go or be moved from place to place
“a travelling exhibition”
Travel (verb)
withstand a journey without illness or impairment
“he usually travels well, but he did get a bit upset on a very rough crossing”
Travel (verb)
be successful away from the place of origin
“accordion music travels well”
Travel (verb)
(of an object or radiation) move, typically in a constant or predictable way
“light travels faster than sound”
Travel (verb)
(of a vehicle) move quickly.
Travel (verb)
take more than the allowed number of steps (typically two) while holding the ball without dribbling it.
Travel (noun)
the action of travelling
“my job involves a lot of travel”
Travel (noun)
journeys, especially abroad
“perhaps you’ll write a book about your travels”
Travel (noun)
(of a device) sufficiently compact for use on a journey
“a travel iron”
Travel (noun)
the range, rate, or mode of motion of a part of a machine
“two proximity switches detect when the valve has reached the end of its travel”