Tramp vs. Whore

By Jaxson

  • Tramp

    A tramp is a long-term homeless person who travels from place to place as a vagrant, traditionally walking all year round. The word tramp became a common way to refer to such people in 19th-century Britain and America.

  • Tramp (noun)

    A homeless person; a vagabond.


  • Tramp (noun)

    A disreputable, promiscuous woman; a slut.

    “”I can’t believe you’d let yourself be seen with that tramp.””

    “”Claudia is such a tramp; making out with all those men when she has a boyfriend.””

  • Tramp (noun)

    Any ship which does not have a fixed schedule or published ports of call.

    “see Wikipedia:tramp steamer”

  • Tramp (noun)

    A long walk, possibly of more than one day, in a scenic or wilderness area.


  • Tramp (noun)

    clipping of trampoline, especially a very small one.

  • Tramp (noun)

    Of objects, stray and intrusive and unwanted

  • Tramp (verb)

    To walk with heavy footsteps.

  • Tramp (verb)

    To walk for a long time (usually through difficult terrain).

    “We tramped through the woods for hours before we found the main path again.”

  • Tramp (verb)

    To hitchhike.

  • Tramp (verb)

    To tread upon forcibly and repeatedly; to trample.

  • Tramp (verb)

    To travel or wander through.

    “to tramp the country”

  • Tramp (verb)

    To cleanse, as clothes, by treading upon them in water.

  • Whore (noun)

    A prostitute.

  • Whore (noun)

    A person who is sexually promiscuous; a slut.

  • Whore (noun)

    A person who is unscrupulous, especially one who compromises their principles for gain.

  • Whore (noun)

    A person who will violate behavioral standards to achieve something desired.

  • Whore (noun)

    A contemptible person.

  • Whore (noun)

    “Idiot whore,” he shouted back. “You would not dare.”}}

  • Whore (verb)

    To prostitute oneself.

  • Whore (verb)

    To engage the services of a prostitute.

  • Whore (verb)

    To pimp; to pander.

  • Whore (verb)

    To promote shamelessly.

    “Did you see him on that chat show, whoring his new book?”

  • Whore (verb)

    To pursue false gods.

  • Whore (verb)

    To pursue false goals.

  • Whore (verb)

    To overuse something.

    “BTW, that guy whuz still an asshole – camping the BFG and whoring the quad – I usually leave BFG maps but stuck around on that one and suicided quite a bit (3 times I got to about -10 frags, then came back to 0…).”

  • Tramp (verb)

    walk heavily or noisily

    “he tramped about the room”

  • Tramp (verb)

    walk over a long distance wearily or reluctantly

    “he had tramped all over the city”

  • Tramp (verb)

    walk for long distances in rough country for recreation

    “she regularly tramps the New Zealand wilderness”

    “it had been ages since I had tramped with a whole pack”

  • Tramp (verb)

    tread or stamp on

    “one of the few wines still tramped by foot”

  • Tramp (noun)

    a person who travels from place to place on foot in search of work or as a vagrant or beggar.

  • Tramp (noun)

    the sound of heavy steps

    “the tramp of marching feet”

  • Tramp (noun)

    a long walk, typically a tiring one

    “she was freshly returned from a tramp round Norwich”

  • Tramp (noun)

    a long-distance recreational walk in rough country

    “this is perhaps the most popular tramp in Canterbury”

  • Tramp (noun)

    a cargo vessel that carries goods between many different ports rather than sailing a fixed route

    “a tramp steamer”

  • Tramp (noun)

    a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships.

  • Tramp (noun)

    a metal plate protecting the sole of a boot used for digging.

  • Tramp (noun)

    the top of the blade of a spade.

  • Whore (noun)

    a prostitute.

  • Whore (noun)

    a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships.

  • Whore (noun)

    a person who is regarded as willing to do anything to get a particular thing

    “you come across as a complete attention whore”

    “he’s a shameless publicity whore”

  • Whore (verb)

    (of a woman) work as a prostitute

    “I whored myself in the streets”

    “she was forced to whore in order to support herself”

  • Whore (verb)

    (of a man) use the services of prostitutes

    “he lived by night, indulging in his two hobbies, whoring and eating”

  • Whore (verb)

    debase oneself by doing something for unworthy motives, typically to make money

    “he had never whored after money”

Oxford Dictionary

Whore Illustrations


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