Trite is a spider genus of the Salticidae family (jumping spiders). Most of the 18 described species occur in Australia and New Zealand, with several spread over islands of Oceania, one species even reaching Rapa in French Polynesia.
Trait (noun)
an identifying characteristic, habit or trend
“The number one personality trait I hate is hypocrisy. Why can’t you be consistent!?”
Trait (noun)
An uninstantiable collection of methods that provides functionality to a class by using the class’s own interface.
“Traits are somewhat between an interface and a mixin, as an interface contains only method signatures, while a trait includes also the full method definitions. On the other hand, mixins include method definitions, but they can also carry state through attributes, while traits usually don’t.”
Trite (adjective)
Often in reference to a word or phrase: used so many times that it is commonplace, or no longer interesting or effective; worn out, hackneyed.
Trite (adjective)
So well established as to be beyond debate: trite law.
Trite (noun)
A denomination of coinage in ancient Greece equivalent to one third of a stater.
Trite (noun)
, a genus of spiders, found in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, of the family Salticidae.
Trait (noun)
a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person
“the traditionally British trait of self-denigration”
Trait (noun)
a genetically determined characteristic
“breeders were installing some trait that allowed the crop to thrive”
Trite (adjective)
(of a remark or idea) lacking originality or freshness; dull on account of overuse
“this point may now seem obvious and trite”