Trafficator vs. Indicator

By Jaxson

  • Trafficator

    Trafficators are semaphore signals which, when operated, protrude from the bodywork of a motor vehicle to indicate its intention to turn in the direction indicated by the pointing signal. Trafficators are often located at the door pillar.

  • Trafficator (noun)

    A blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which it is about to turn.

  • Trafficator (noun)

    A semaphore device with a steady light that served the same purpose on early vehicles.

  • Indicator (noun)

    A pointer or index that indicates something.

  • Indicator (noun)

    A meter or gauge.

  • Indicator (noun)

    The needle or dial on such a meter.

  • Indicator (noun)

    Any of many substances, such as litmus, used to indicate the concentration of a substance, or the degree of a reaction.

  • Indicator (noun)

    A plant or animal whose presence is indicative of some specific environment.

  • Indicator (noun)

    A measure, such as unemployment rate, which can be used to predict economic trends.

  • Indicator (noun)

    A trafficator (dated definition); each of the flashing lights on each side of a vehicle which indicate a turn is being made to left or right, or a lane change etc.

  • Indicator (noun)

    A bird, the honeyguide.

  • Trafficator (noun)

    an obsolete kind of signalling device on the side of a motor vehicle, having the form of a small illuminated pointer which could be extended to indicate a change of direction.

  • Indicator (noun)

    a thing that indicates the state or level of something

    “car ownership is frequently used as an indicator of affluence”

  • Indicator (noun)

    an animal or plant species that can be used to infer conditions in a particular habitat

    “the raccoon is a poor choice as an indicator of riparian habitat”

  • Indicator (noun)

    a gauge or meter of a specified kind

    “an altitude indicator”

    “a speed indicator”

  • Indicator (noun)

    a flashing light or (formerly) other device on a vehicle to show that it is about to change lanes or turn.

    “an indicator light”

  • Indicator (noun)

    a board or screen in a railway station, airport, etc. giving current information

    “the indicator board”

  • Indicator (noun)

    a compound that changes colour at a specific pH value or in the presence of a particular substance, and can be used to monitor acidity, alkalinity, or the progress of a reaction

    “the remaining alkali is titrated against standard acid using phenolphthalein as indicator”

Oxford Dictionary

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