Tinder is easily combustible material used to start a fire. Tinder is a finely divided, open material which will begin to glow under a shower of sparks. Air is gently wafted over the glowing tinder until it bursts into flame. The flaming tinder is used to ignite kindling, which in turn is used to ignite the bulk material, to produce a fire.Tinder can be made of any flammable substance, as long as it is finely divided and has an open structure.
Tinder (noun)
Small dry sticks and finely-divided fibrous matter etc., used to help light a fire.
Tinder (verb)
To set fire to; torch.
Tender (adjective)
Sensitive or painful to the touch.
Tender (adjective)
Easily bruised or injured; not firm or hard; delicate.
“tender plants; tender flesh; tender fruit”
Tender (adjective)
Physically weak; not able to endure hardship.
Tender (adjective)
Soft and easily chewed.
Tender (adjective)
Sensible to impression and pain; easily pained.
Tender (adjective)
Fond, loving, gentle, sweet.
“Suzanne was such a tender mother to her children.”
Tender (adjective)
Young and inexperienced.
Tender (adjective)
Adapted to excite feeling or sympathy; expressive of the softer passions; pathetic.
“tender expressions; tender expostulations; a tender strain”
Tender (adjective)
Apt to give pain; causing grief or pain; delicate.
“a tender subject”
Tender (adjective)
Heeling over too easily when under sail; said of a vessel.
Tender (adjective)
Exciting kind concern; dear; precious.
Tender (adjective)
Careful to keep inviolate, or not to injure; used with of.
Tender (noun)
Care, kind concern, regard.
Tender (noun)
The inner flight muscle (pectoralis minor) of poultry.
Tender (noun)
Someone who tends or waits on someone.
Tender (noun)
A railroad car towed behind a steam engine to carry fuel and water.
Tender (noun)
A naval ship that functions as a mobile base for other ships.
“submarine tender”
“destroyer tender”
Tender (noun)
A smaller boat used for transportation between a large ship and the shore.
Tender (noun)
A means of payment such as a check or cheque, cash or credit card.
“Your credit card has been declined so you need to provide some other tender such as cash.”
“legal tender”
Tender (noun)
A formal offer to buy or sell something.
“We will submit our tender to you within the week.”
Tender (noun)
Any offer or proposal made for acceptance.
Tender (verb)
To make tender or delicate; to weaken.
Tender (verb)
To feel tenderly towards; to regard fondly or with consideration.
Tender (verb)
To work on a tender.
Tender (verb)
To offer, to give.
“to tender one’s resignation”
Tender (verb)
to offer a payment, as at sales or auctions.
Tender (adjective)
showing gentleness, kindness, and affection
“she covered his face with tender kisses”
“he was being so kind and tender”
Tender (adjective)
solicitous of
“be tender of a lady’s reputation”
Tender (adjective)
(of food) easy to cut or chew; not tough
“tender green beans”
Tender (adjective)
(of a part of the body) sensitive to pain
“the pale, tender skin of her forearm”
Tender (adjective)
(of a plant) easily injured by severe weather and therefore needing protection
“pelargoniums are colourful but tender plants”
Tender (adjective)
requiring tact or careful handling
“the issue of conscription was a particularly tender one”
Tender (adjective)
young, inexperienced, or vulnerable
“he started sailing at the tender age of ten”
Tender (adjective)
(of a ship) leaning or readily inclined to roll in response to the wind.
Tender (verb)
offer or present (something) formally
“he tendered his resignation as leader”
Tender (verb)
offer (money) as payment
“she tendered her fare”
Tender (verb)
make a formal written offer to carry out work, supply goods, or buy land, shares, or another asset for a stated fixed price
“firms of interior decorators have been tendering for the work”
Tender (verb)
formally offer (a stated fixed price) for carrying out work, supplying goods, etc.
“what price should we tender for a contract?”
Tender (verb)
seek offers to carry out work at a stated fixed price
“I don’t even know why they tendered it out”
Tender (noun)
an offer to carry out work, supply goods, or buy land, shares, or another asset at a stated fixed price
“being government land, it was sold by tender”
“we invited tenders for up to three more frigates”
“a minimum tender price”
Tender (noun)
a vehicle used by a fire service for carrying specified supplies or equipment or fulfilling a specified role
“three fire engines, including an emergency tender, attended the scene”
Tender (noun)
a vehicle used in mobile operations by a public service or the armed forces
“she saw the police tender dash up and half a dozen men tumble out”
Tender (noun)
a dinghy or other boat used to ferry people and supplies to and from a ship.
Tender (noun)
a trailing vehicle closely coupled to a steam locomotive to carry fuel and water.
Tender (noun)
a person who looks after someone else or a machine or place
“Alexei signalled to one of the engine tenders”