Themselves, previously known as Them, is an American hip hop duo based in Oakland, California. It consists of Doseone and Jel. They are also part of Subtle and 13 & God. The duo’s first studio album, Them, was included on Fact’s “100 Best Indie Hip-Hop Records of All Time” list.
Themselves (pronoun)
The reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun. The group of people, animals{{,}} or objects previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition also used for emphasis.
“: ux|en|They’ve hurt themselves.”
“: ux|en|They fought among themselves.”
“: ux|en|They are going to try climbing Mount Everest themselves.”
Themselves (pronoun)
The reflexive case of they, the third-person singular personal pronoun. The single person previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition also used for emphasis.
“: ux|en|Would whoever stole my phone please make themselves known.”
“: ux|en|I don’t want anyone to fight among themselves.”
“: ux|en|Everyone must do it themselves.”
Theirselves (pronoun)
alternative form of themselves.