Them vs. Those

By Jaxson

  • Them (pronoun)

    Objective case of they: third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb.

    “Give it to them. (after preposition)”

    “She wrote them a letter. (indirect object)”

    “She treated them for a cold. (direct object)”

  • Them (pronoun)

    Objective case of they: third-person singular pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb.

    “If someone comes and asks for the ticket, just give it to them. (after preposition)”

    “If one of my patients calls, please bring them their dinner. (indirect object)”

    “If a student has an inappropriate question, whatever you do, do not berate them. (direct object)”

  • Them (determiner)


    “Them kids need to grow up.”

  • Those (determiner)

    plural of that

    “Those bolts go with these parts.”

  • Those (pronoun)

    plural of that


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