Sufficient vs. Efficient

By Jaxson

  • Sufficient

    In logic, necessity and sufficiency are terms used to describe a conditional or implicational relationship between statements. For example, in the conditional statement “If P then Q”, we say that “Q is necessary for P” because P cannot be true unless Q is true. Similarly, we say that “P is sufficient for Q” because P being true always implies that Q is true, but P not being true does not always imply that Q is not true.The assertion that a statement is a “necessary and sufficient” condition of another means that the former statement is true if and only if the latter is true. That is, the two statements must be either simultaneously true or simultaneously false.In ordinary English, “necessary” and “sufficient” indicate relations between conditions or states of affairs, not statements. Being a male sibling is a necessary and sufficient condition for being a brother.

  • Sufficient (adjective)

    Equal to the end proposed; adequate to what is needed; enough

    “We have provision sufficient for the family”

    “This army is sufficient to defend the country.”

    “There is not sufficient access to the internet in many small rural villages.”


  • Sufficient (adjective)

    Possessing adequate talents or accomplishments; of competent power or ability; qualified; fit.

    “A two-week training course is sufficient to get a job in the coach-driving profession.”

  • Sufficient (adjective)

    Capable of meeting obligations; responsible.

  • Sufficient (adjective)

    Having enough money to meet obligations and live comfortably.

  • Sufficient (determiner)

    The smallest amount needed.

    “Sufficient of us are against this idea that we should stop now.”

  • Efficient (adjective)

    Making good, thorough, or careful use of resources; not consuming extra. Especially, making good use of time or energy.

    “An efficient process would automate all the routine work.”

    “Our cleaners are almost too efficient: they throw away anything left out on a desk.”

  • Efficient (adjective)

    Expressing the proportion of consumed energy that was successfully used in a process; the ratio of useful output to total input.

    “The motor is only 20% efficient at that temperature.”

  • Efficient (adjective)

    Causing effects, producing results; bringing into being; initiating change. (Rare except in philosophical and legal expression efficient cause = causative factor or agent.)

    “Ownership, maintenance, or use of the automobile need not be the direct and efficient cause of the injury sustained”

  • Efficient (adjective)

    (proscribed, old use) Effective.

  • Efficient (adjective)

    (of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense

    “more efficient processing of information”

  • Efficient (adjective)

    preventing the wasteful use of a particular resource

    “an energy-efficient heating system”

  • Efficient (adjective)

    (of a person) working in a well-organized and competent way

    “an efficient administrator”

Oxford Dictionary

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