Stave vs. Staff

By Jaxson

  • Stave (noun)

    One of a number of narrow strips of wood, or narrow iron plates, placed edge to edge to form the sides, covering, or lining of a vessel or structure; especially, one of the strips which form the sides of a cask, a pail, etc.

  • Stave (noun)

    One of the bars or rounds of a rack, rungs of a ladder, etc; one of the cylindrical bars of a lantern wheel

  • Stave (noun)

    A metrical portion; a stanza; a staff.

  • Stave (noun)

    The five horizontal and parallel lines on and between which musical notes are written or pointed; the staff.

  • Stave (noun)

    A staff or walking stick.

  • Stave (noun)

    A sign, symbol or sigil, including rune or rune-like characters, used in Icelandic magic.

  • Stave (verb)

    To fit or furnish with staves or rundles. from 1540s

  • Stave (verb)

    To break in the staves of; to break a hole in; to burst. from 1590s

    “to stave in a cask”

  • Stave (verb)

    To push, or keep off, as with a staff. from 1620s

  • Stave (verb)

    To delay by force or craft; to drive away.

    “We ate grass in an attempt to stave off our hunger.”

  • Stave (verb)

    To striking against something.

  • Stave (verb)

    To walk or move rapidly.

  • Stave (verb)

    To suffer, or cause to be lost by breaking the cask.

  • Stave (verb)

    To render impervious or solid by driving with a calking iron.

    “to stave lead, or the joints of pipes into which lead has been run”

  • Staff (noun)

    A long, straight, thick wooden rod or stick, especially one used to assist in walking.

  • Staff (noun)

    A series of horizontal lines on which musical notes are written.

  • Staff (noun)

    The employees of a business.

    “The company employed 10 new members of staff this month.”

  • Staff (noun)

    A mixture of W

  • Staff (noun)

    A pole, stick, or wand borne as an ensign of authority; a badge of office.

    “a constable’s staff”

  • Staff (noun)

    A pole upon which a flag is supported and displayed.

  • Staff (noun)

    The rung of a ladder.

  • Staff (noun)

    A series of verses so disposed that, when it is concluded, the same order begins again; a stanza; a stave.

  • Staff (noun)

    An arbor, as of a wheel or a pinion of a watch.

  • Staff (noun)

    The grooved director for the gorget, or knife, used in cutting for stone in the bladder.

  • Staff (noun)

    An establishment of officers in various departments attached to an army, to a section of an army, or to the commander of an army. The general’s staff consists of those officers about his person who are employed in carrying his commands into execution.

  • Staff (verb)

    To supply (a business, volunteer organization, etc.) with employees or staff members.


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