Soul vs. Mind

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Soul and Mind is that the Soul is a essence of an individual and Mind is a combination of cognitive faculties that provides consciousness, thinking, reasoning, perception, and judgement in humans and potentially other life forms

  • Soul

    The soul, in many religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal essence of a living being. Soul or psyche (Ancient Greek: ψυχή psūkhḗ, of ψύχειν psū́khein, “to breathe”) comprises the mental abilities of a living being: reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, etc. Depending on the philosophical system, a soul can either be mortal or immortal. In Judeo-Christianity, only human beings have immortal souls (although immortality is disputed within Judaism and the concept of immortality may have been influenced by Plato). For example, the Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas attributed “soul” (anima) to all organisms but argued that only human souls are immortal.Other religions (most notably Hinduism and Jainism) hold that all living things from the smallest bacterium to the largest of mammals are the souls themselves (Atman, jiva) and have their physical representative (the body) in the world. The actual self is the soul, while the body is only a mechanism to experience the karma of that life. Thus if we see a tiger then there is a self-conscious identity residing in it (the soul), and a physical representative (the whole body of the tiger, which is observable) in the world. Some teach that even non-biological entities (such as rivers and mountains) possess souls. This belief is called animism. Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, understood that the soul (ψυχή psūchê) must have a logical faculty, the exercise of which was the most divine of human actions. At his defense trial, Socrates even summarized his teaching as nothing other than an exhortation for his fellow Athenians to excel in matters of the psyche since all bodily goods are dependent on such excellence (Apology 30a–b).

    The current consensus of modern science is that there is no evidence to support the existence of the soul when traditionally defined as the spiritual breath of the body. In metaphysics, the concept of “Soul” may be equated with that of “Mind” in order to refer to the consciousness and intellect of the individual.

  • Mind

    The mind is a set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, language and memory. It is usually defined as the faculty of an entity’s thoughts and consciousness. It holds the power of imagination, recognition, and appreciation, and is responsible for processing feelings and emotions, resulting in attitudes and actions.There is a lengthy tradition in philosophy, religion, psychology, and cognitive science about what constitutes a mind and what are its distinguishing properties.

    One open question regarding the nature of the mind is the mind–body problem, which investigates the relation of the mind to the physical brain and nervous system. Older viewpoints included dualism and idealism, which considered the mind somehow non-physical. Modern views often center around physicalism and functionalism, which hold that the mind is roughly identical with the brain or reducible to physical phenomena such as neuronal activity., though dualism and idealism continue to have many supporters. Another question concerns which types of beings are capable of having minds. For example, whether mind is exclusive to humans, possessed also by some or all animals, by all living things, whether it is a strictly definable characteristic at all, or whether mind can also be a property of some types of human-made machines.Whatever its nature, it is generally agreed that mind is that which enables a being to have subjective awareness and intentionality towards their environment, to perceive and respond to stimuli with some kind of agency, and to have consciousness, including thinking and feeling.The concept of mind is understood in many different ways by many different cultural and religious traditions. Some see mind as a property exclusive to humans whereas others ascribe properties of mind to non-living entities (e.g. panpsychism and animism), to animals and to deities. Some of the earliest recorded speculations linked mind (sometimes described as identical with soul or spirit) to theories concerning both life after death, and cosmological and natural order, for example in the doctrines of Zoroaster, the Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, and other ancient Greek, Indian and, later, Islamic and medieval European philosophers.

    Important philosophers of mind include Plato, Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Searle, Dennett, Fodor, Nagel, and Chalmers. Psychologists such as Freud and James, and computer scientists such as Turing and Putnam developed influential theories about the nature of the mind. The possibility of nonbiological minds is explored in the field of artificial intelligence, which works closely in relation with cybernetics and information theory to understand the ways in which information processing by nonbiological machines is comparable or different to mental phenomena in the human mind.The mind is also portrayed as the stream of consciousness where sense impressions and mental phenomena are constantly changing

  • Soul (noun)

    The spirit or essence of a person usually thought to consist of one’s thoughts and personality. Often believed to live on after the person’s death.

  • Soul (noun)

    The spirit or essence of anything.

  • Soul (noun)

    Life, energy, vigor.

  • Soul (noun)

    Soul music.

  • Soul (noun)

    A person, especially as one among many.

  • Soul (noun)

    An individual life.

    “Fifty souls were lost when the ship sank.”

  • Soul (noun)

    A kind of submanifold involved in the soul theorem of Riemannian geometry.

  • Soul (verb)

    To endow with a soul; to furnish with a soul or mind.

  • Soul (verb)

    To beg on All Soul’s Day.

  • Soul (verb)

    To afford suitable sustenance.

  • Mind (noun)

    The ability for rational thought.

    “Despite advancing age, his mind was still as sharp as ever.”

  • Mind (noun)

    The ability to be aware of things.

    “There was no doubt in his mind that they would win.”

  • Mind (noun)

    The ability to remember things.

    “My mind just went blank.”

  • Mind (noun)

    The ability to focus the thoughts.

    “I can’t keep my mind on what I’m doing.”

  • Mind (noun)

    Somebody that embodies certain mental qualities.

    “He was one of history’s greatest minds.”

  • Mind (noun)

    Judgment, opinion, or view.

    “He changed his mind after hearing the speech.”

  • Mind (noun)

    Desire, inclination, or intention.

    “She had a mind to go to Paris.”

    “I have half a mind to do it myself.”

  • Mind (noun)

    A healthy mental state.

    “I, ______ being of sound mind and body, do herebynb…”

    “You are losing your mind.”

  • Mind (noun)

    The non-material substance or set of processes in which consciousness, perception, affectivity, judgement, thinking, and will are based.

    “The mind is a process of the brain.”

  • Mind (verb)

    To remember. from 14th c.

  • Mind (verb)

    To attend to, concern oneself with, heed, be mindful of. from 15th c.

    “You should mind your own business.”

  • Mind (verb)

    To dislike, to object to; to be bothered by. from 16th c.

    “I wouldn’t mind an ice cream right now.”

  • Mind (verb)

    To look after, to take care of, especially for a short period of time. from 17th c.

    “Would you mind my bag for me?”

  • Mind (verb)

    To make sure, to take care (that). from 17th c.

    “Mind you don’t knock that glass over.”

  • Mind (verb)

    To be careful about. from 18th c.

  • Mind (verb)

    Used to make something you have said less strong.

    “I’m not very healthy—I do eat fruit sometimes, mind.”

  • Mind (verb)

    To have in mind; to intend.

  • Mind (verb)

    To put in mind; to remind.

  • Soul (noun)

    the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

  • Soul (noun)

    a person’s moral or emotional nature or sense of identity

    “in the depths of her soul, she knew he would betray her”

  • Soul (noun)

    emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance

    “their interpretation lacked soul”

  • Soul (noun)

    black American culture or ethnic pride.

  • Soul (noun)

    short for soul music

  • Soul (noun)

    the essence or embodiment of a specified quality

    “he was the soul of discretion”

    “brevity is the soul of wit”

  • Soul (noun)

    an individual person

    “I’ll never tell a soul”

    “it was bad news for some poor soul”

  • Soul (noun)

    a person regarded with affection or pity

    “she’s a nice old soul”

Oxford Dictionary

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