Soda (noun)
Sodium bicarbonate (usually baking soda).
Soda (noun)
Sodium carbonate (usually washing soda).
Soda (noun)
Sodium in chemical combination.
Soda (noun)
Carbonated water (water impregnated with pressurised carbon dioxide, originally made with sodium bicarbonate).
Soda (noun)
Any carbonated (usually sweet) soft drink.
Soda (noun)
A glass, bottle or can of this drink.
Soda (noun)
The first card in the dealing box in the game of faro, which is discarded to leave 51 cards in play.
Pop (noun)
A loud, sharp sound as of a cork coming out of a bottle.
“Listen to the pop of a champagne cork.”
Pop (noun)
An effervescent or fizzy drink, most frequently nonalcoholic; soda pop.
“Lunch was sandwiches and a bottle of pop.”
Pop (noun)
A bottle, can, or serving of effervescent or fizzy drink, most frequently nonalcoholic; soda pop.
“Go in the store and buy us three pops.”
Pop (noun)
A pop shot: a quick, possibly unaimed, shot with a firearm.
“The man with the gun took a pop at the rabbit.”
Pop (noun)
A quantity dispensed, a portion, apiece.
“They cost 50 pence a pop.”
Pop (noun)
Something that stands out or is distinctive, especially to the senses.
“a white dress with a pop of red”
“a pop of vanilla flavour”
Pop (noun)
The removal of a data item from the top of a stack.
Pop (noun)
A bird, the European redwing.
Pop (noun)
The sixth derivative of the position vector with respect to time (after velocity, acceleration, jerk, jounce, crackle), i.e. the rate of change of crackle.
Pop (noun)
A pistol.
Pop (noun)
Affectionate form of father.
“My pop used to tell me to do my homework every night.”
Pop (noun)
Pop music.
Pop (noun)
A Russian Orthodox priest; a parson.
Pop (verb)
To make a pop, or sharp, quick sound.
“The muskets popped away on all sides.”
Pop (verb)
To burst (something) with a popping sound.
“The boy with the pin popped the balloon.”
“This corn pops well.”
Pop (verb)
To enter, or issue forth, with a quick, sudden movement; to move from place to place suddenly; to dart.
“A rabbit popped out of the hole.”
Pop (verb)
To place (something) (somewhere); to move or position (something) with a short movement.
“Just pop it in the fridge for now.”
“He popped his head around the door.”
Pop (verb)
To make a short trip or visit.
“I’m just popping round to the newsagent.”
“I’ll pop by your place later today.”
Pop (verb)
To stand out; to be distinctive to the senses.
“This colour really pops.”
Pop (verb)
To hit (something or someone).
“He popped me on the nose.”
Pop (verb)
To shoot (usually somebody) with a firearm.
Pop (verb)
To ejaculate.
Pop (verb)
To remove (a data item) from the top of a stack.
Pop (verb)
To remove a data item from the top of (a stack).
Pop (verb)
To pawn (something) (to raise money).
“I had to pop my watch to see me through until pay-day.”
Pop (verb)
To swallow (a tablet of a drug).
Pop (verb)
To perform (a move or stunt) while riding a board or vehicle.
Pop (verb)
To undergo equalization of pressure when the Eustachian tubes open.
“My ears popped as the aeroplane began to ascend.”
Pop (interjection)
Used to represent a loud, sharp sound, as of a cork coming out of a bottle.
Pop (adjective)