Rhythm vs. Rhyme

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Rhythm and Rhyme is that the Rhythm is a aspect of music and Rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in language.

  • Rhythm

    Rhythm (from Greek ῥυθμός, rhythmos, “any regular recurring motion, symmetry” (Liddell and Scott 1996)) generally means a “movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions” (Anon. 1971, 2537). This general meaning of regular recurrence or pattern in time can apply to a wide variety of cyclical natural phenomena having a periodicity or frequency of anything from microseconds to several seconds (as with the riff in a rock music song); to several minutes or hours, or, at the most extreme, even over many years.

    In the performance arts, rhythm is the timing of events on a human scale; of musical sounds and silences that occur over time, of the steps of a dance, or the meter of spoken language and poetry. In some performing arts, such as hip hop music, the rhythmic delivery of the lyrics is one of the most important elements of the style. Rhythm may also refer to visual presentation, as “timed movement through space” (Jirousek 1995) and a common language of pattern unites rhythm with geometry. In recent years, rhythm and meter have become an important area of research among music scholars. Recent work in these areas includes books by Maury Yeston (1976), Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff (Lerdahl and Jackendoff 1983), Jonathan Kramer, Christopher Hasty (1997), Godfried Toussaint (2005), William Rothstein (1989), Joel Lester (Lester 1986), and Guerino Mazzola.

  • Rhyme

    A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds (usually, exactly the same sound) in the final stressed syllables and any following syllables of two or more words. Most often, this kind of “perfect” rhyming is consciously used for effect in the final positions of lines of poems and songs. More broadly, a rhyme may also variously refer to other types of similar sounds near the ends of two or more words. Furthermore, the word rhyme has come to be sometimes used as a shorthand term for any brief poem, such as a rhyming couplet or nursery rhyme.

  • Rhythm (noun)

    The variation of strong and weak elements (such as duration, accent) of sounds, notably in speech or music, over time; a beat or meter.

    “Dance to the rhythm of the music.”

  • Rhythm (noun)

    A specifically defined pattern of such variation.

    “Most dances have a rhythm as distinctive as the Iambic verse in poetry”

  • Rhythm (noun)

    A flow, repetition or regularity.

    “Once you get the rhythm of it, the job will become easy.”

  • Rhythm (noun)

    The tempo or speed of a beat, song or repetitive event.

    “We walked with a quick, even rhythm.”

  • Rhythm (noun)

    The musical instruments which provide rhythm (mainly; not or less melody) in a musical ensemble.

    “The Baroque term basso continuo is virtually equivalent to rhythm”

  • Rhythm (noun)

    A regular quantitative change in a variable (notably natural) process.

  • Rhythm (noun)

    Controlled repetition of a phrase, incident or other element as a stylistic figure in literature and other narrative arts; the effect it creates.

    “”The running gag is a popular rhythm in motion pictures and theater comedy”

  • Rhyme (noun)

    Rhyming verse (poetic form)

    “Many editors say they don’t want stories written in rhyme.”

  • Rhyme (noun)

    A thought expressed in verse; a verse; a poem; a tale told in verse.

    “Tennyson’s rhymes”

  • Rhyme (noun)

    A word that rhymes with another.

    “Norse poetry is littered with rhymes like “sól … sunnan”.”

    “Rap makes use of rhymes such as “money … honey” and “nope … dope”.”

  • Rhyme (noun)

    Rhyming: sameness of sound of part of some words.

    “The poem exhibits a peculiar form of rhyme.”

  • Rhyme (noun)


  • Rhyme (noun)


  • Rhyme (verb)

    To compose or treat in verse; versify.

  • Rhyme (verb)

    Of a word, to be pronounced identically with another from the vowel in its stressed syllable to the end.

    “”Creation” rhymes with “integration” and “station”.”

  • Rhyme (verb)

    Of two or more words, to be pronounced identically from the vowel in the stressed syllable of each to the end of each.

    “”Mug” and “rug” rhyme.”

    “”India” and “windier” rhyme with each other in non-rhotic accents.”

    “I rewrote the story to make it rhyme.”

  • Rhyme (verb)

    To number; count; reckon.

  • Rhyme (noun)

    correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry

    “poetic features such as rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration”

  • Rhyme (noun)

    a short poem in which the sound of the word or syllable at the end of each line corresponds with that at the end of another

    “Harriet sang Ben little rhymes”

  • Rhyme (noun)

    rhyming poetry or verse

    “the clues were written in rhyme”

  • Rhyme (noun)

    a word that has the same sound as another

    “‘gravel’ can be interpreted as an absurd rhyme for ‘travel’”

  • Rhyme (verb)

    (of a word, syllable, or line) have or end with a sound that corresponds to another

    “balloon rhymes with moon”

  • Rhyme (verb)

    (of a poem or song) be composed in rhyme

    “the poem would have been better if it rhymed”

  • Rhyme (verb)

    put a word together with (another word that has a corresponding sound), as when writing poetry

    “I’m not sure about rhyming perestroika with balalaika”

  • Rhyme (verb)

    compose verse or poetry

    “Musa rhymed and sang”

Oxford Dictionary

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