Review vs. Evaluation

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Review and Evaluation is that the Review is a evaluation and Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject’s merit, worth and significance.

  • Review

    A review is an evaluation of a publication, service, or company such as a movie (a movie review), video game (video game review), musical composition (music review of a composition or recording), book (book review); a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, play, musical theater show, dance show, or art exhibition. In addition to a critical evaluation, the review’s author may assign the work a rating to indicate its relative merit. More loosely, an author may review current events, trends, or items in the news. A compilation of reviews may itself be called a review. The New York Review of Books, for instance, is a collection of essays on literature, culture, and current affairs. National Review, founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., is an influential conservative magazine, and Monthly Review is a long-running socialist periodical.

  • Evaluation

    Evaluation is a

    systematic determination of a subject’s merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards. It can assist an organization, program, project or any other intervention or initiative to assess any aim, realisable concept/proposal, or any alternative, to help in decision-making; or to ascertain the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim and objectives and results of any such action that has been completed. The primary purpose of evaluation, in addition to gaining insight into prior or existing initiatives, is to enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change.Evaluation is often used to characterize and appraise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises, including the arts, criminal justice, foundations, non-profit organizations, government, health care, and other human services. It is long term and done at the end of a period of time.

  • Review (noun)

    A second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact in an attempt to gain new insights.

    “I need to make a review of the book before I can understand it.”

  • Review (noun)

    An account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work.

    “The newspaper review was full of praise for the play.”

  • Review (noun)

    A judicial reassessment of a case or an event.

    “The victims demanded a full judicial review of the case.”

  • Review (noun)

    A stage show made up of topical sketches etc.; a revue.

    “The Cambridge Footlights Review launched many Monty Python faces.”

  • Review (noun)

    A survey of the available items or material.

    “The magazine contained a review of Paris restaurants.”

  • Review (noun)

    A periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field.

    “The Times Literary Review is published in London.”

  • Review (noun)

    A military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs.

    “The troops assembled for a review by the Queen.”

  • Review (noun)

    A forensic inspection to assess compliance with regulations or some code.

    “The regulators demanded a review against NYSE practices.”

  • Review (verb)

    To survey; to look broadly over.

    “Before I tackle the question directly, I must briefly review historical approaches to the problem.”

  • Review (verb)

    To write a critical evaluation of a new art work etc.; to write a review.

    “The critic reviews every new play in London.”

  • Review (verb)

    To look back over in order to correct or edit; to revise.

  • Review (verb)

    To look over again (something previously written or learned), especially in preparation for an examination.

  • Review (verb)

    To view or see again; to look back on.

  • Review (verb)

    To retrace; to go over again.

  • Evaluation (noun)

    An assessment, such as an annual personnel performance review used as the basis for a salary increase or bonus, or a summary of a particular situation.

  • Evaluation (noun)

    A completion of a mathematical operation; a valuation.

  • Evaluation (noun)

    Determination of the value of a variable or expression.

  • Evaluation (noun)

    the making of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment

    “an initial evaluation of the programme”

    “the evaluation of each method”

Oxford Dictionary

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