Residence vs. Resident

By Jaxson

  • Residence

    A residence is an establishment where it was originally or currently being used by a host as their main place of dwelling or home. Architecturally, a residence is typically a house, mansion, cottage or grand castles and palaces. A residence is offered to travelers as temporary lodgings where they can rent a room. The rooms are generally furnished in the style which complements the architecture type of the building. This boutique type of accommodation has a nice homely feel where the traveler is the ‘house-guest’. Hotels, especially the extended stay chains, commonly function as residences for many guests.

    Residence may more specifically refer to:

    Home, a place of residence or refuge

    Group home, a private residence designed to serve children or adults with chronic disabilities. Typically there are no more than six residents and there is a trained caregiver there twenty-four hours a day

    Nursing home, provides a type of residential care

    Dwelling or accommodation

    House, a home, building, or structure that functions as a habitat for humans or other creatures

    Lodging, a type of residential accommodation. People who travel and stay away from home for more than a day need lodging for sleep, rest, safety, shelter from cold temperatures or rain, storage of luggage and access to common household functions

    Habitual residence, a civil law term dealing with the status of refugees, and child abduction

    Residence in English family law, pertaining to where children should live in the case of disputes

    Tax residence, to determine the location of someone’s home for tax purposes

    The Canadian term for what Americans call a dormitory

    Residenz, the German term for residence which normally meant the city palace of a noble family

  • Residence (noun)

    The place where one lives; one’s home.

  • Residence (noun)

    A building used as a home.

  • Residence (noun)

    The place where a corporation is established.

  • Residence (noun)

    The state of living in a particular place or environment.

  • Residence (noun)

    Accommodation for students at a university or college.

  • Residence (noun)

    The place where anything rests permanently.

  • Residence (noun)

    subsidence, as of a sediment

  • Residence (noun)

    That which falls to the bottom of liquors; sediment; also, refuse; residuum.

  • Resident (noun)

    A living at a certain location or in a certain area.

    “The w|tiger lily is a resident of w|Asia.”

  • Resident (noun)

    A bird which does not migrate during the course of the year.

  • Resident (noun)

    A graduated medical student who is receiving advanced training in a specialty.

    “She’s a resident in neurosurgery at Mass General.”

  • Resident (noun)

    A diplomatic representative who resides at a foreign court, usually of inferior rank to an ambassador.

  • Resident (noun)

    a legal permanent resident, someone who maintains residency.

  • Resident (adjective)

    Dwelling, or having an abode, in a place for a continued length of time; residing on one’s own estate.

    “resident in the city or in the country”

  • Resident (adjective)

    Based in a particular place; on hand; local.

    “He is our resident computer expert.”

  • Resident (adjective)

    Fixed; stable; certain.

  • Resident (adjective)

    Currently loaded into RAM; contrasted with virtual memory.

  • Residence (noun)

    a person’s home, especially a large and impressive one

    “the youth hostel has been adapted from a private residence”

  • Residence (noun)

    the official home of a government minister or other public or official figure

    “the palace was designated the official residence of the head of state”

  • Residence (noun)

    the fact of living in a particular place

    “she took up residence in Paris”

    “Rome was his main place of residence”

Oxford Dictionary

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