Remediate (verb)
To correct or improve (a deficiency or problem).
Remediate (adjective)
Intended to correct or improve deficient skills in some subject.
Remediate (adjective)
Mitigate (verb)
To reduce, lessen, or decrease.
Mitigate (verb)
To downplay.
Remediate (verb)
provide a remedy for; redress or make right
“the most serious flaws are easy to remediate”
Remediate (verb)
restore by reversing or stopping environmental damage
“contaminated land would be remediated and bought back into beneficial use”
“use of plants to remediate soils contaminated with heavy metals”
Mitigate (verb)
make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful
“drainage schemes have helped to mitigate this problem”
Mitigate (verb)
lessen the gravity of (an offence or mistake)
“there had been a provocation that mitigated the offence to a degree”