Ream (noun)
Cream; also, the creamlike froth on ale or other liquor; froth or foam in general.
Ream (noun)
A bundle, package, or quantity of paper, nowadays usually containing 500 sheets.
Ream (noun)
An abstract large amount of something.
“I can’t go – I still have reams of work left.”
Ream (verb)
To cream; mantle; foam; froth.
Ream (verb)
To enlarge a hole, especially using a reamer; to bore a hole wider.
Ream (verb)
To shape or form, especially using a reamer.
Ream (verb)
To remove (material) by reaming.
Ream (verb)
To remove burrs and debris from a freshly bored hole.
Ream (verb)
To yell at or berate.
Ream (verb)
To sexually penetrate in a rough and painful way, by analogy with definition 1.
Rim (noun)
An edge around something, especially when circular.
Rim (noun)
A wheelrim.
Rim (noun)
A semicircular copydesk.
Rim (noun)
A membrane.
Rim (noun)
The membrane enclosing the intestines; the peritoneum, hence loosely, the intestines; the lower part of the abdomen; belly.
Rim (verb)
To form a rim on.
Rim (verb)
To follow the contours, possibly creating a circuit.
“Palm trees rim the beach.”
“A walking path rims the island.”
Rim (verb)
To roll around a rim.
“The golf ball rimmed the cup.”
“The basketball rimmed in and out.”
Rim (verb)
To lick the anus of a partner as a sexual act.