Blowing a raspberry, strawberry or making a Bronx cheer, is to make a noise that may signify derision, real or feigned. It may also be used in childhood phonemic play either solely by the child or by adults towards a child to encourage imitation to the delight of both parties. It is made by placing the tongue between the lips and blowing to produce a sound similar to flatulence. In the terminology of phonetics, this sound has been described as a voiceless linguolabial trill, [r̼̊], and as a buccal interdental trill, [ↀ͡r̪͆].A raspberry is never used in human language phonemically (that is, as a building block of words), but it is widely used across human cultures.
The raspberry is the edible fruit of a multitude of plant species in the genus Rubus of the rose family, most of which are in the subgenus Idaeobatus; the name also applies to these plants themselves. Raspberries are perennial with woody stems.
Razzberry (noun)
A raspberry (noise made to imitate flatulence).
Raspberry (noun)
The plant Rubus idaeus.
Raspberry (noun)
Any of many other (but not all) species in the genus Rubus.
Raspberry (noun)
The juicy aggregate fruit of these plants.
Raspberry (noun)
A red colour, the colour of a ripe raspberry.
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Raspberry (noun)
A noise intended to imitate the passing of flatulence, made by blowing air out of the mouth while the tongue is protruding from and pressed against the lips, or by blowing air through the lips while they are pressed firmly together or against skin, used humorously or to express derision.
Raspberry (noun)
A cripple.
Raspberry (adjective)
Containing or having the flavor/flavour of raspberries.
Raspberry (adjective)
Of a dark pinkish red.
“She wore a raspberry beret — lyrics of Raspberry Beret, by the musician Prince”
Raspberry (verb)
To raspberries.
Raspberry (verb)
To make the noise intended to imitate the passing of flatulence.