Pretty vs. Cute

By Jaxson

  • Pretty (adjective)

    Pleasant in sight or other senses; attractive, especially of women or children. from 15th c.

  • Pretty (adjective)

    Of objects or things: nice-looking, appealing. from 15th c.

  • Pretty (adjective)

    Fine-looking; only superficially attractive; initially appealing but having little substance; see petty. from 15th c.

  • Pretty (adjective)

    Cunning; clever, skilful. from 9th c.

  • Pretty (adjective)

    Moderately large; considerable. from 15th c.

  • Pretty (adjective)

    Excellent, commendable, pleasing; fitting or proper (of actions, thoughts etc.). from 16th c.

  • Pretty (adjective)

    Awkward, unpleasant. from 16th c.

  • Pretty (adverb)

    Somewhat, fairly, quite; sometimes also (by meiosis) very.

  • Pretty (adverb)

    Prettily, in a pretty manner.

  • Pretty (noun)

    A pretty person; a term of address to a pretty person.

  • Pretty (noun)

    Something that is pretty.

    “”We’ll stop at the knife store a look at the sharp pretties.””

  • Pretty (verb)

    To make pretty; to beautify

  • Cute (adjective)

    Possessing physical features, behaviors, personality traits or other properties that are mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals; e.g. fair, dainty, round, and soft physical features, disproportionately large eyes and head, playfulness, fragility, helplessness, curiosity or shyness, innocence, affectionate behavior.

    “Our reaction to cute attributes is understood as the way nature ensures mammals care for their young.”

  • Cute (adjective)

    Generally, attractive or pleasing, especially in a youthful, dainty, quaint or fun-spirited way.

    “Let’s go to the mall and look for cute girls.”

  • Cute (adjective)

    Affected or mincingly clever; precious; cutesy.

    “The actor’s performance was too cute for me. All that mugging to the audience killed the humor.”

    “Don’t get cute with me, boy!”

  • Cute (adjective)

    Mentally keen or discerning (See also acute)


    “Cute trick, but can you do it consistently?”

  • Pretty (adjective)

    (of a person, especially a woman or child) attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful

    “a pretty little girl with an engaging grin”

  • Pretty (adjective)

    (of a thing) pleasing to the eye or the ear

    “a pretty summer dress”

  • Pretty (adjective)

    used ironically to express annoyance or displeasure

    “he led me a pretty dance”

  • Pretty (adverb)

    to a moderately high degree; fairly

    “he looked pretty fit for his age”

    “it was a pretty bad injury”

  • Pretty (noun)

    an attractive thing, especially a trinket

    “he buys her lots of pretties—bangles and rings”

  • Pretty (noun)

    used to refer in a condescending way to an attractive person

    “six pretties in sequined leotards”

  • Pretty (verb)

    make pretty or attractive

    “she’ll be all prettied up and ready to go in an hour”

  • Cute (adjective)

    attractive in a pretty or endearing way

    “she had a cute little nose”

  • Cute (adjective)

    sexually attractive; good-looking

    “Ryan’s cute but he’s kinda young”

    “a cute guy”

  • Cute (adjective)

    clever or cunning, especially in a self-seeking or superficial way

    “the two brothers were cute enough to find a couple of rich women and marry them”

    “she had a real cute idea”

Oxford Dictionary

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