An image (from Latin: imago) is an artifact that depicts visual perception, such as a photograph or other two-dimensional picture, that resembles a subject—usually a physical object—and thus provides a depiction of it. In the context of signal processing, an image is a distributed amplitude of color(s).
Preimage (noun)
For a given function, the set of all elements of the domain that are mapped into a given subset of the codomain; given a function ƒ : X → Y and a subset B ⊆ Y, the set ƒ−1(B) = {x ∈ X : ƒ(x) ∈ B}.
“The preimage of {4, 9} under the function f : Rrightarrow R:f(x)=x^2 is the set {-3,-2,+2,+3}.”
Image (noun)
An optical or other representation of a real object; a graphic; a picture.
“The Bible forbids the worship of graven images.”
Image (noun)
A mental picture of something not real or not present.
Image (noun)
A statue or idol.
Image (noun)
A file that contains all information needed to produce a live working copy. (See disk image, executable image and image copy.)
“Most game console emulators do not come with any ROM images for copyright reasons.”
Image (noun)
A characteristic of a person, group or company etc., style, manner of dress, how one is, or wishes to be, perceived by others.
Image (noun)
Something mapped to by a function.
“The number 6 is the image of 3 under f that is defined as f(x) = 2*x.”
Image (noun)
The subset of a codomain comprising those elements that are images of something.
“The image of this step function is the set of integers.”
Image (noun)
Show; appearance; cast.
Image (verb)
To represent by an image or symbol; to portray.
Image (verb)
To mirror.
Image (verb)
To create an image of.
Image (verb)
To create a complete backup copy of a file system or other entity.
Image (noun)
a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art
“her work juxtaposed images from serious and popular art”
Image (noun)
a visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a computer or video screen
“Voyager 2 sent back images of the planet Neptune”
Image (noun)
an optical appearance or counterpart produced by light from an object reflected in a mirror or refracted through a lens.
Image (noun)
a point or set formed by mapping from another point or set.
Image (noun)
an exact copy of a computer’s hard disk, made for backing up data or setting up new machines.
Image (noun)
a mental representation or idea
“I had a sudden image of Sal bringing me breakfast in bed”
Image (noun)
a person or thing that closely resembles another
“he’s the image of his father”
Image (noun)
semblance or likeness
“made in the image of God”
Image (noun)
(in biblical use) an idol.
Image (noun)
the general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public
“she strives to project an image of youth”
Image (noun)
a simile or metaphor
“he uses the image of a hole to describe emotional emptiness”
Image (verb)
make a representation of the external form of
“artworks which imaged women’s bodies”
Image (verb)
make a visual representation of (something) by scanning it with a detector or electromagnetic beam.
Image (verb)
make an exact copy of (a computer’s hard disk)
“the hard disk drive should be imaged using a specialized bitstream backup product”
Image (verb)
form a mental picture or idea of
“it is possible for us to image a society in which no one committed crime”