Poser is a 3D computer graphics program distributed by Smith Micro Software. Poser is optimized for 3D modeling of human figures and has gained popularity due to beginners being able to produce basic animations and digital images, as well as the extensive availability of third-party digital models.
Poser (noun)
A particularly difficult question or puzzle.
Poser (noun)
Someone who asks a question or sets a problem.
“Even as a child, she was a habitual poser of difficult questions.”
Poser (noun)
Someone who, or something which, poses; a person who sets their body in a fixed position, such as for photography or painting.
Poser (noun)
A poseur; someone who affects some behaviour, style, attitude or other condition, often to impress or influence others.
Fake (adjective)
Not real; false, fraudulent.
“Which fur coat looks fake?”
Fake (adjective)
Fake (noun)
Something which is not genuine, or is presented fraudulently.
Fake (noun)
A trick; a swindle.
Fake (noun)
A move meant to deceive an opposing player, used for gaining advantage for example when dribbling an opponent.
Fake (noun)
One of the circles or windings of a cable or hawser, as it lies in a coil; a single turn or coil.
Fake (verb)
To cheat; to swindle; to steal; to rob.
Fake (verb)
To modify fraudulently, so as to make an object appear better or other than it really is
Fake (verb)
To make a counterfeit, to counterfeit, to forge, to falsify.
Fake (verb)
To make a false display of, to affect, to feign, to simulate.
“to fake a marriage”
“to fake happiness”
“to fake a smile”
Fake (verb)
To coil (a rope, line, or hawser), by winding alternately in opposite directions, in layers usually of zigzag or figure of eight form, to prevent twisting when running out.
Poser (noun)
a person who poses; a poseur.
Poser (noun)
a difficult or perplexing question or problem.
Fake (adjective)
not genuine; imitation or counterfeit
“she got on the plane with a fake passport”
“a fake Cockney accent”
Fake (adjective)
(of a person) claiming to be something that one is not
“a fake doctor”
Fake (noun)
a thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham
“fakes of Old Masters”
Fake (noun)
a person who falsely claims to be something
“I felt sure that some of the nuns were fakes”
Fake (noun)
variant spelling of flake
Fake (verb)
forge or counterfeit (something)
“she faked her spouse’s signature”
Fake (verb)
pretend to feel or have (an emotion, illness, or injury)
“Rob faked suspicion, a jealous concern”
Fake (verb)
make (an event) appear to happen
“he faked his own death”
Fake (verb)
trick or deceive someone.
Fake (verb)
variant spelling of flake