Pose vs. Poise

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Pose and Poise is that the Pose is a Windows components Wikimedia list article and Poise is a unit of dynamic viscosity.

  • Pose

    Human positions refer to the different physical configurations that the human body can take.

    There are several synonyms that refer to human positioning, often used interchangeably, but having specific nuances of meaning.

    Position is a general term for a configuration of the human body

    Posture means an intentionally or habitually assumed position

    Pose implies artistic or aesthetic intention of the position

    Attitude refers to postures assumed for purpose of imitation, intentional or not, as well as in some standard collocations in reference to some distinguished types of posture: “Freud never assumed a fencer’s attitude, yet almost all took him for a swordsman.”

    Bearing refers to the manner of the posture, as well as of gestures and other aspects of the conduct taking place

  • Poise

    The poise (symbol P; ) is the unit of dynamic viscosity (absolute viscosity) in the centimetre–gram–second system of units. It is named after Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille (see Hagen–Poiseuille equation).
























    {displaystyle 1~{text{P}}=0.1~{text{kg}}{cdot }{text{m}}^{-1}{cdot }{text{s}}^{-1}=1~{text{g}}{cdot }{text{cm}}^{-1}{cdot }{text{s}}^{-1}=1~{text{dyne}}{cdot }{text{s}}{cdot }{text{cm}}^{-2}.}

    The analogous unit in the International System of Units is the pascal-second (Pa⋅s):





















    {displaystyle 1~{text{Pa}}{cdot }{text{s}}=1~{text{N}}{cdot }{text{s}}{cdot }{text{m}}^{-2}=1~{text{kg}}{cdot }{text{m}}^{-1}{cdot }{text{s}}^{-1}=10~{text{P}}.}

    The poise is often used with the metric prefix centi- because the viscosity of water at 20 °C (NTP) is almost exactly 1 centipoise. A centipoise is one hundredth of a poise, or one millipascal-second (mPa⋅s) in SI units (1 cP = 10−3 Pa⋅s = 1 mPa⋅s).

    The CGS symbol for the centipoise is cP. The abbreviations cps, cp, and cPs are sometimes seen.

    Liquid water has a viscosity of 0.00890 P at 25 °C and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (0.00890 P = 0.890 cP = 0.890 mPa⋅s).

  • Pose (noun)

    Common cold, head cold; catarrh.

  • Pose (noun)

    Position, posture, arrangement (especially of the human body).

    “Please adopt a more graceful pose for my camera.”

  • Pose (noun)


  • Pose (verb)

    To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect.

    “To pose a model for a picture.”

  • Pose (verb)

    To ask; to set (a test, quiz, riddle, etc.).

  • Pose (verb)

    To constitute (a danger, a threat, a risk, etc.).

  • Pose (verb)

    To assume or maintain a pose; to strike an attitude.

  • Pose (verb)

    To behave affectedly in order to attract interest or admiration.

  • Pose (verb)

    To interrogate; to question.

  • Pose (verb)

    To question with a view to puzzling; to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny; to bring to a stand.

  • Pose (verb)

    To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate.

  • Pose (verb)

    to puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions.

  • Pose (verb)

    To perplex or confuse (someone).

  • Poise (noun)

    Weight; an amount of weight, the amount something weighs.

  • Poise (noun)

    The weight, or mass of metal, used in weighing, to balance the substance weighed.

  • Poise (noun)

    That which causes a balance; a counterweight.

  • Poise (noun)

    A state of balance, equilibrium or stability.

  • Poise (noun)

    Composure; freedom from embarrassment or affectation.

  • Poise (noun)

    Mien; bearing or deportment of the head or body.

  • Poise (noun)

    A condition of hovering, or being suspended.

  • Poise (noun)

    A cgs unit of dynamic viscosity equal to one dyne-second per square centimeter.

  • Poise (verb)

    To hang in equilibrium; to be balanced or suspended; hence, to be in suspense or doubt.

  • Poise (verb)

    To counterpoise; to counterbalance.

  • Poise (verb)

    To be of a given weight; to weigh. 14th-17th c.

  • Poise (verb)

    To add weight to, to weigh down. 16th-18th c.

  • Poise (verb)

    To hold (something) with or against something else in equilibrium; to balance, counterpose. from 16th c.

  • Poise (verb)

    To hold (something) in equilibrium, to hold balanced and ready; to carry (something) ready to be used. from 16th c.

    “I poised the crowbar in my hand, and waited.”

    “to poise the scales of a balance”

  • Poise (verb)

    To keep (something) in equilibrium; to hold suspended or balanced. from 17th c.

    “The rock was poised precariously on the edge of the cliff.”

  • Poise (verb)

    To ascertain, as if by balancing; to weigh.

  • Pose (verb)

    present or constitute (a problem or danger)

    “the sheer number of visitors is posing a threat to the area”

  • Pose (verb)

    raise (a question or matter for consideration)

    “the statement posed more questions than it answered”

  • Pose (verb)

    assume a particular position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn

    “the prime minister posed for photographers”

  • Pose (verb)

    place (someone) in a particular position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn

    “he posed her on the sofa”

  • Pose (verb)

    pretend to be (someone or something)

    “an armed gang posed as policemen to ambush a postman”

    “a literary novel posing as a spy thriller”

  • Pose (verb)

    behave affectedly in order to impress others

    “some people like to drive kit cars, but most just like to pose in them”

  • Pose (verb)

    puzzle or perplex (someone) with a question or problem

    “we have thus posed the mathematician and the historian”

  • Pose (noun)

    a way of standing or sitting, especially in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn

    “photographs of boxers in ferocious poses”

  • Pose (noun)

    a particular way of behaving adopted in order to impress or to give a false impression

    “the man dropped his pose of amiability”

  • Poise (noun)

    graceful and elegant bearing in a person

    “poise and good deportment can be cultivated”

  • Poise (noun)

    composure and dignity of manner

    “at least he had a moment to think, to recover his poise”

  • Poise (noun)

    balance; equilibrium

    “the balance has passed the point where the spring is in poise”

  • Poise (noun)

    a unit of dynamic viscosity, such that a tangential force of one dyne per square centimetre causes a velocity change one centimetre per second between two parallel planes separated by one centimetre in a liquid.

  • Poise (verb)

    be or cause to be balanced or suspended

    “he poised motionless on his toes”

    “the world was poised between peace and war”

  • Poise (verb)

    be ready and prepared to do something

    “teachers are poised to resume their attack on government school tests”

Oxford Dictionary

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