Participle vs. Predicate

By Jaxson

  • Participle

    In linguistics, a participle (PTCP) is a form of nonfinite verb that comprises perfective or continuative grammatical aspects in numerous tenses. A participle also may function as an adjective or an adverb. For example, in “boiled potato”, boiled is the past participle of the verb boil, adjectivally modifying the noun potato; in “ran us ragged,” ragged is the past participle of the verb rag, adverbially qualifying the verb ran.

  • Participle (noun)

    A form of a verb that may function as an adjective or noun. English has two types of participles: the present participle and the past participle. In other languages, there are others, such as future, perfect, and future perfect participles.

  • Predicate (noun)

    The part of the sentence (or clause) which states something about the subject or the object of the sentence.

    “In “The dog barked very loudly”, the subject is “the dog” and the predicate is “barked very loudly”.”

  • Predicate (noun)

    A term of a statement, where the statement may be true or false depending on whether the thing referred to by the values of the statement’s variables has the property signified by that (predicative) term.

    “A nullary predicate is a proposition.”

    “A predicate is either valid, satisfiable, or unsatisfiable.”

  • Predicate (noun)

    An operator or function that returns either true or false.

  • Predicate (adjective)

    Of or related to the predicate of a sentence or clause.

  • Predicate (adjective)

    Predicated, stated.

  • Predicate (adjective)

    Relating to or being any of a series of criminal acts upon which prosecution for racketeering may be predicated.

  • Predicate (verb)

    To announce, assert, or proclaim publicly.

  • Predicate (verb)

    To assume or suppose; to infer.

  • Predicate (verb)

    to base (on); to assert on the grounds of.

  • Predicate (verb)

    To make a term (or predicate of a statement.

  • Predicate (verb)

    To state as an attribute or quality of something.


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