Parlor vs. Salon

By Jaxson

  • Parlor

    Parlour (or parlor) is a term used for a variety of different reception rooms and public spaces in different historical periods.

  • Parlor (noun)

    The living room of a house, or a room for entertaining guests; a room for talking.

  • Parlor (noun)

    The apartment in a monastery or nunnery where the residents are permitted to meet and converse with each other or with visitors from the outside.

  • Parlor (noun)

    A room for lounging; a sitting-room; a drawing room.

  • Parlor (noun)

    A comfortable room in a public house.

  • Parlor (noun)

    A covered open-air patio.

  • Parlor (noun)

    A shop or other business selling goods specified by context.

  • Parlor (noun)

    A shed used for milking cattle.

  • Salon (noun)

    A large room, especially one used to receive and entertain guests.

    “hall|lounge|parlor|guest room”

  • Salon (noun)

    A gathering of people for a social or intellectual meeting.


  • Salon (noun)

    An art gallery or exhibition; especially the Paris salon or autumn salon.

  • Salon (noun)

    A beauty salon or similar establishment.

  • Salon (noun)

    an establishment where a hairdresser, beautician, or couturier conducts trade

    “a hairdressing salon”

    “have your hair cut in a professional salon”

  • Salon (noun)

    a reception room in a large house.

  • Salon (noun)

    a regular social gathering, especially of writers and artists, at the house of a woman prominent in high society.

  • Salon (noun)

    a meeting of intellectuals or other eminent people at the invitation of a celebrity or socialite

    “Washington political salons”

  • Salon (noun)

    an annual exhibition of the work of living artists held by the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in Paris from 1648, originally in the Salon d’Apollon in the Louvre.

Oxford Dictionary

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