Main Difference
The main difference between Noose and Knot is that the Noose is a loop at the end of a rope in which the knot tightens under load and can be loosened without and Knot is a method of fastening or securing linear material, such as rope, by tying or interweaving.
A noose is a loop at the end of a rope in which the knot tightens under load and can be loosened without.
The knot can be used to secure a rope to a post or pole, but only where the end is in a position that the loop can be passed over.
A knot is an intentional complication in cordage which may be useful or decorative. Practical knots may be classified as hitches, bends, splices, or knots. A hitch fastens a rope to another object; a bend unites two rope ends; a splice is a multi-strand bend or loop. A knot in the strictest sense serves as a stopper or knob at the end of a rope to keep that end from slipping through a grommet or eye. Knots have excited interest since ancient times for their practical uses, as well as their topological intricacy, studied in the area of mathematics known as knot theory.
Noose (noun)
An adjustable loop of rope, such as the one placed around the neck in hangings, or the one at the end of a lasso.
Noose (verb)
To tie or catch in a noose; to entrap or ensnare.
Knot (noun)
A looping of a piece of string or of any other long, flexible material that cannot be untangled without passing one or both ends of the material through its loops.
“Climbers must make sure that all knots are both secure and of types that will not weaken the rope.”
Knot (noun)
A tangled clump.
“The nurse was brushing knots from the protesting child’s hair.”
Knot (noun)
A maze-like pattern.
Knot (noun)
A non-self-intersecting closed curve in (e.g., three-dimensional) space that is an abstraction of a knot (in sense 1 above).
“A knot can be defined as a non-self-intersecting broken line whose endpoints coincide: when such a knot is constrained to lie in a plane, then it is simply a polygon.”
“A knot in its original sense can be modeled as a mathematical knot (or link) as follows: if the knot is made with a single piece of rope, then abstract the shape of that rope and then extend the working end to merge it with the standing end, yielding a mathematical knot. If the knot is attached to a metal ring, then that metal ring can be modeled as a trivial knot and the pair of knots become a link. If more than one mathematical knot (or link) can be thus obtained, then the simplest one (avoiding detours) is probably the one which one would want.”
Knot (noun)
A difficult situation.
“I got into a knot when I inadvertently insulted a policeman.”
Knot (noun)
The whorl left in lumber by the base of a branch growing out of the tree’s trunk.
“When preparing to tell stories at a campfire, I like to set aside a pile of pine logs with lots of knots, since they burn brighter and make dramatic pops and cracks.”
Knot (noun)
Local swelling in a tissue area, especially skin, often due to injury.
“Jeremy had a knot on his head where he had bumped it on the bedframe.”
Knot (noun)
A protuberant joint in a plant.
Knot (noun)
Any knob, lump, swelling, or protuberance.
Knot (noun)
The point on which the action of a story depends; the gist of a matter.
“the knot of the tale”
Knot (noun)
A node.
Knot (noun)
A kind of epaulet; a shoulder knot.
Knot (noun)
A group of people or things.
Knot (noun)
A bond of union; a connection; a tie.
Knot (noun)
A unit of speed, equal to one nautical mile per hour. (From the practice of counting the number of knots in the log-line (as it plays out) in a standard time. Traditionally spaced at one every 1/120th of a mile.)
“Cedric claimed his old yacht could make 12 knots.””
Knot (noun)
A nautical mile incorrectly
Knot (noun)
One of a variety of shore birds; the red-breasted sandpiper (variously Calidris canutus or ver=160924).
Knot (verb)
To form into a knot; to tie with a knot or knots.
“We knotted the ends of the rope to keep it from unravelling.”
Knot (verb)
To form wrinkles in the forehead, as a sign of concentration, concern, surprise, etc.
“She knotted her brow in concentration while attempting to unravel the tangled strands.”
Knot (verb)
To unite closely; to knit together.
Knot (verb)
To entangle or perplex; to puzzle.
Noose (noun)
a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and used to trap animals or hang people
“a hangman’s noose”
“he began to choke as the noose tightened about his throat”
“the West is exploring ways to tighten the economic noose”
Noose (noun)
death by hanging
“he earned a reprieve from the noose”
Noose (verb)
put a noose on (someone)
“she was noosed and hooded, then strangled by the executioner”
Noose (verb)
catch (an animal) with a noose
“the animal was eventually noosed and sedated by dog handlers”
Noose (verb)
form (a rope) into a noose
“Gomez had noosed a coil of rope around his neck”
Knot (noun)
a fastening made by looping a piece of string, rope, or something similar on itself and tightening it
“a complicated knot of racial politics and pride”
“tie a knot at the end of the cord”
Knot (noun)
a particular method of making a knot
“you need to master two knots, the clove hitch and the sheet bend”
Knot (noun)
an ornamental ribbon.
Knot (noun)
a tangled mass in something such as hair or wool.
Knot (noun)
a knob, protuberance, or node in a stem, branch, or root.
Knot (noun)
a hard mass formed in a tree trunk at the intersection with a branch, resulting in a round cross-grained piece in timber when cut through.
Knot (noun)
a hard lump of tissue in the body.
Knot (noun)
an unpleasant feeling of tightness or tension in a part of the body
“her stomach was in knots as she unlocked the door”
Knot (noun)
a small tightly packed group of people
“a knot of spectators was gathering”
Knot (noun)
a unit of speed equivalent to one nautical mile per hour, used especially of ships, aircraft, or winds.
Knot (noun)
a length marked by knots on a log line, as a measure of speed
“some days the vessel logged 12 knots”
Knot (noun)
a small, relatively short-billed sandpiper, with a reddish-brown or blackish breast in the breeding season.
Knot (verb)
fasten with a knot
“a knotted rope”
“the scarves were knotted loosely around their throats”
Knot (verb)
make (a carpet or other decorative item) with knots.
Knot (verb)
make (something, especially hair) tangled
“the shampoo knotted my hair terribly”
Knot (verb)
cause (a muscle) to become tense and hard.
Knot (verb)
(of the stomach) tighten as a result of nervousness or tension.