Noisy (adjective)
Making a noise, especially a loud unpleasant sound
“the noisy crowd.”
Noisy (adjective)
Full of noise.
“a noisy bar”
Noisy (adjective)
Unpleasant-looking and causing unwanted attention
“noisy clothes”
Nosey (adjective)
alternative spelling of nosy
Nosey (noun)
alternative spelling of nosy
Noisy (adjective)
making or given to making a lot of noise
“a noisy, giggling group of children”
“diesel cars can be very noisy”
Noisy (adjective)
full of or characterized by noise
“the pub was crowded and noisy”
Noisy (adjective)
stridently seeking to attract attention to one’s views
“noisy pressure groups”
Noisy (adjective)
accompanied by or introducing random fluctuations that obscure the real signal or data.
Oxford Dictionary