Needle vs. Nettle

By Jaxson

  • Needle (noun)

    A fine, sharp implement usually for piercing such as sewing, or knitting, acupuncture, tattooing, body piercing, medical injections, etc.

    “The seamstress threaded the needle to sew on a button.”

  • Needle (noun)

    Any slender, pointed object resembling a needle, such as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc.

  • Needle (noun)

    A fine measurement indicator on a dial or graph, e.g. a compass needle.

    “The needle on the fuel gauge pointed to empty.”

  • Needle (noun)

    A sensor for playing phonograph records, a phonograph stylus.

    “Ziggy bought some diamond needles for his hi-fi phonograph.”

  • Needle (noun)

    }} The death penalty carried out by lethal injection.

  • Needle (noun)

    A text string that is searched for within another string.

  • Needle (verb)

    To pierce with a needle, especially for sewing or acupuncture.

  • Needle (verb)

    To tease in order to provoke; to poke fun at.

    “Billy needled his sister incessantly about her pimples.”

  • Needle (verb)

    To form in the shape of a needle.

    “to needle crystals”

  • Nettle (noun)

    Any plant whose foliage is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash.

  • Nettle (noun)

    Especially, most species of herb genus Urtica, the stinging nettles:

  • Nettle (noun)

    Most, but not all, subspecies of Urtica dioica (common nettle),

  • Nettle (noun)

    (Australian nettle);

  • Nettle (noun)

    Wood nettle (noshow=1);

  • Nettle (noun)

    s and spurge nettles of genus noshow=1:

  • Nettle (noun)

    , bull nettle, spurge nettle,

  • Nettle (noun)

    , Texas bull nettle,

  • Nettle (noun)

    , bull nettle,

  • Nettle (noun)

    Nettle trees or tree nettles:

  • Nettle (noun)

    Various species of the genus noshow=1:

  • Nettle (noun)


  • Nettle (noun)

    (tree nettle);

  • Nettle (noun)


  • Nettle (noun)

    Certain plants that have spines or prickles:

  • Nettle (noun)


  • Nettle (noun)


  • Nettle (noun)

    , bull nettle, silver-leaf nettle, white horse-nettle;

  • Nettle (noun)

    , horse-nettle;

  • Nettle (noun)

    Certain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica:

  • Nettle (noun)

    Celtis (hackberry).

  • Nettle (noun)

    , dumb nettle (Lamium), particularly noshow=1, white nettle;

  • Nettle (noun)

    (ver=190729, family Urticaceae);

  • Nettle (noun)

    or painted nettle (Coleus);

  • Nettle (noun)


  • Nettle (noun)


  • Nettle (noun)


  • Nettle (noun)

    Loosely, anything which causes a similarly stinging rash, such as a jellyfish or sea nettle.

  • Nettle (verb)

    Of the nettle plant and similar physical causes, to sting, causing a rash in someone.

    “The children were badly nettled after playing in the field.”

  • Nettle (verb)

    To pique, irritate, vex or provoke.


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