Main Difference
The main difference between Monologue and Dialogue is that the Monologue is a speech presented by a single character and Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people.
In theatre, a monologue (from Greek: μονόλογος, from μόνος mónos, “alone, solitary” and λόγος lógos, “speech”) is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their mental thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media (plays, films, etc.), as well as in non-dramatic media such as poetry. Monologues share much in common with several other literary devices including soliloquies, apostrophes, and aside. There are, however, distinctions between each of these devices.
Dialogue (sometimes spelled dialog in American English) is a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people, and a literary and theatrical form that depicts such an exchange. As a narrative, philosophical or didactic device, it is chiefly associated in the West with the Socratic dialogue as developed by Plato, but antecedents are also found in other traditions including Indian literature.
In the 20th century, philosophical treatments of dialogue emerged from thinkers including Mikhail Bakhtin, Paulo Freire, Martin Buber, and David Bohm. Although diverging in many details, these thinkers have articulated a holistic concept of dialogue as a multi-dimensional, dynamic and context-dependent process of creating meaning. Educators such as Freire and Ramón Flecha have also developed a body of theory and techniques for using egalitarian dialogue as a pedagogical tool.
Monologue (noun)
A long speech by one person in a play; sometimes a soliloquy; other times spoken to other characters.
Monologue (noun)
A long series of stories and jokes as an entertainment.
Monologue (noun)
A long, uninterrupted utterance that monopolizes a conversation.
Monologue (verb)
To deliver a monologue.
Dialogue (noun)
A conversation or other form of discourse between two or more individuals.
“Bill and Melinda maintained a dialogue via email over the course of their long-distance relationship.”
Dialogue (noun)
In a dramatic or literary presentation, the verbal parts of the script or text; the verbalizations of the actors or characters.
“The movie had great special effects, but the dialogue was lackluster.”
Dialogue (noun)
A literary form, where the presentation resembles a conversation.
“A literary historian, she specialized in the dialogues of ancient Greek philosophers.”
Dialogue (noun)
A dialogue box.
“Once the My Computer dialogue opens, select Local Disk (C:), then right click and scroll down.”
Dialogue (verb)
To discuss or negotiate so that all parties can reach an understanding.
“Pearson wanted to dialogue with his overseas counterparts about the new reporting requirements.”
Dialogue (verb)
To take part in a dialogue; to dialogize.
Monologue (noun)
a long speech by one actor in a play or film, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast programme
“he was reciting some of the great monologues of Shakespeare”
“he had a long and exacting monologue at the end of the film”
Monologue (noun)
a long, tedious speech by one person during a conversation
“Fred carried on with his monologue as if I hadn’t spoken”