Main Difference
The main difference between Minuet and Minute is that the Minuet is a social dance of French origin for two people, usually in 3/4 time and Minute is a unit of time.
A minuet (; also spelled menuet) is a social dance of French origin for two people, usually in 34 time. The word was adapted from Italian minuetto and French menuet, possibly from the French menu meaning slender, small, referring to the very small steps, or from the early 17th-century popular group dances called branle à mener or amener.
The term also describes the musical form that accompanies the dance, which subsequently developed more fully, often with a longer musical form called the minuet and trio, and was much used as a movement in the early classical symphony.
The Minute is a unit of time or angle. As a unit of time, the Minute is most of times equal to 1⁄60 (the first sexagesimal fraction) of an hour, or 60 seconds. In the UTC time standard, a minute on rare occasions has 61 seconds, a consequence of leap seconds (there is a provision to insert a negative leap second, which would result in a 59-second minute, but this has never happened in more than 40 years under this system). As a unit of angle, the minute of arc is equal to 1⁄60 of a degree, or 60 seconds (of arc). Although not an SI unit for either time or angle, the minute is accepted for use with SI units for both. The SI symbols for minute or minutes are min for time measurement, and the prime symbol after a number, e.g. 5′, for angle measurement. The prime is also sometimes used informally to denote minutes of time.
Minuet (noun)
A slow graceful dance consisting of a coupé, a high step, and a balance.
Minuet (noun)
A tune or air to regulate the movements of the minuet dance: it has the dance form, and is commonly in 3/4, sometimes 3/8, measure.
Minuet (noun)
A complete short musical composition inspired by and conforming to many formal characteristics of the traditional musical accompaniment to the dance of same name.
Minuet (noun)
A symphony which is inspired by and conforming to formal characteristics of the dance of same name.
Minuet (verb)
To dance a minuet.
Minute (noun)
A unit of time equal to sixty seconds (one-sixtieth of an hour).
“You have twenty minutes to complete the test.”
Minute (noun)
A short but unspecified time period.
“Wait a minute, I’m not ready yet!”
Minute (noun)
A unit of angle equal to one-sixtieth of a degree.
“We need to be sure these maps are accurate to within one minute of arc.”
“minute of arc”
Minute (noun)
A (usually formal) written record of a meeting or a part of a meeting.
“Let’s look at the minutes of last week’s meeting.”
Minute (noun)
A unit of purchase on a telephone or other network, especially a cell phone network, roughly equivalent in gross form to sixty seconds’ use of the network.
“If you buy this phone, you’ll get 100 free minutes.”
Minute (noun)
A point in time; a moment.
Minute (noun)
A nautical or a geographic mile.
Minute (noun)
An old coin, a half farthing.
Minute (noun)
A very small part of anything, or anything very small; a jot; a whit.
Minute (noun)
A fixed part of a module.
Minute (noun)
A while or a long unspecified period of time
“Oh, I ain’t heard that song in a minute!”
Minute (verb)
Of an event, to write in a memo or the minutes of a meeting.
“I’ll minute this evening’s meeting.”
Minute (verb)
To set down a short sketch or note of; to jot down; to make a minute or a brief summary of.
Minute (adjective)
Very small.
“They found only minute quantities of chemical residue on his clothing.”
Minute (adjective)
Very careful and exact, giving small details.
“The lawyer gave the witness a minute examination.”
Minuet (noun)
a slow, stately ballroom dance for two in triple time, popular especially in the 18th century.
Minuet (noun)
a piece of music in triple time in the style of a minuet, typically as a movement in a suite, sonata, or symphony and frequently coupled with a trio.
Minuet (verb)
dance a minuet.