Mature (adjective)
Fully developed; grown up in terms of physical appearance, behaviour or thinking; ripe.
“She is quite mature for her age.”
Mature (adjective)
Brought to a state of complete readiness.
“a mature plan”
Mature (adjective)
Profound; careful.
“The headmaster decided to expel the boy after a mature consideration.”
Mature (adjective)
Come to, or in a state of, completed suppuration.
Mature (verb)
To become mature; to ripen.
Mature (verb)
To gain experience or wisdom with age.
Mature (verb)
To make something mature.
Mature (verb)
To reach the date when payment is due
Perfect (adjective)
Fitting its definition precisely.
“a perfect circle”
Perfect (adjective)
Having all of its parts in harmony with a common purpose.
“That bucket with the hole in the bottom is a poor bucket, but it is perfect for watering plants.”
Perfect (adjective)
Without fault or mistake; thoroughly skilled or talented.
“Practice makes perfect.”
Perfect (adjective)
Excellent and delightful in all respects.
“a perfect day”
Perfect (adjective)
Representing a completed action.
Perfect (adjective)
Sexually mature and fully differentiated.
Perfect (adjective)
Of flowers, having both male (stamens) and female (carpels) parts.
Perfect (adjective)
Of a set, that it is equal to its set of limit points, i.e. set A is perfect if A=A’.
Perfect (adjective)
Describing an interval or any compound interval of a unison, octave, or fourths and fifths that are not tritones.
Perfect (adjective)
Made with equal parts of sweet and dry vermouth.
“a perfect Manhattan;”
“a perfect Rob Roy”
Perfect (adjective)
Well informed; certain; sure.
Perfect (noun)
The perfect tense, or a form in that tense.
Perfect (noun)
A perfect score; the achievement of finishing a stage or task with no mistakes.
Perfect (verb)
To make perfect; to improve or hone.
“I am going to perfect this article.”
“You spend too much time trying to perfect your dancing.”
Perfect (verb)
To take an action, usually the filing of a document in the correct venue, that secures a legal right.
“perfect an appeal; perfect an interest; perfect a judgment”