Marvellous is a British drama television film that was first broadcast on BBC Two on 25 September 2014. The ninety minute film, directed by Julian Farino and written by Peter Bowker, is about the life of Neil Baldwin, from Westlands in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire.Baldwin, who is an honorary graduate of Keele University, was appointed as Stoke City Football Club’s kit-man by the manager Lou Macari in the 1990s. Baldwin’s autobiography, Marvellous: Neil Baldwin – My Story, was published in hardback in 2015.
Marvelous (adjective)
Exciting wonder or surprise; astonishing; wonderful.
“I went to a marvelous party last week.”
Marvellous (adjective)
Exciting wonder or surprise; astonishing; wonderful.
“I went to a marvellous party last week.”
Marvellous (adjective)
causing great wonder; extraordinary
“these marvellous technological toys are fun to play with”
Marvellous (adjective)
extremely good or pleasing; splendid
“you have done a marvellous job”