A man is a male human. The term man is reserved for an adult male, with the term boy being the usual term for a male child or adolescent.
Man (noun)
An adult male human.
“The show is especially popular with middle-aged men.”
Man (noun)
All human males collectively: mankind.
Man (noun)
A human, a person of either gender, usually an adult. See usage notes.
“every man for himself”
Man (noun)
All humans collectively: mankind, humankind, humanity. Sometimes capitalized as Man.
Man (noun)
A member of the genus Homo, especially of the species Homo sapiens.
Man (noun)
A sentient being, whether human or supernatural.
Man (noun)
An adult male who has, to an eminent degree, qualities considered masculine, such as strength, integrity, and devotion to family; a mensch.
Man (noun)
Manliness; the quality or state of being manly.
Man (noun)
A husband.
Man (noun)
A lover; a boyfriend.
Man (noun)
A male enthusiast or devotee; a male who is very fond of or devoted to a specified kind of thing. Used as the last element of a compound.
“Some people prefer apple pie, but me, I’m a cherry pie man.”
Man (noun)
A person, usually male, who has duties or skills associated with a specified thing. Used as the last element of a compound.
“I wanted to be a guitar man on a road tour, but instead I’m a flag man on a road crew.”
Man (noun)
A person, usually male, who can fulfill one’s requirements with regard to a specified matter.
Man (noun)
A male who belongs to a particular group: an employee, a student or alumnus, a representative, etc.
Man (noun)
An adult male servant.
Man (noun)
A vassal. A subject.
“ux|en|Like master, like man. (old proverb)”
“all the king’s men”
Man (noun)
A piece or token used in board games such as chess.
Man (noun)
Used to refer to oneself or one’s group: I, we; construed in the third person.
Man (noun)
A term of familiar address often implying on the part of the speaker some degree of authority, impatience, or haste.
“Come on, man, we’ve got no time to lose!”
Man (noun)
A friendly term of address usually reserved for other adult males.
“Hey, man, how’s it goin’?”
Man (noun)
A player on whom another is playing, with the intent of limiting their attacking impact.
Man (interjection)
Used to place emphasis upon something or someone; sometimes, but not always, when actually addressing a man.
“Man, that was a great catch!”
Man (verb)
To supply (something) with staff or crew (of either sex).
“The ship was manned with a small crew.”
Man (verb)
To take up position in order to operate (something).
“Man the machine guns!”
Man (verb)
To brace (oneself), to fortify or steel (oneself) in a manly way. Compare man up.
Man (verb)
To wait on, attend to or escort.
Man (verb)
To accustom (a raptor or other type of bird) to the presence of people.
Mane (noun)
Longer hair growth on back of neck of an animal, especially a horse or lion
Mane (noun)
Long or thick hair of a person’s head.
Man Illustrations