Mainstream vs. Trend

By Jaxson

  • Mainstream

    The mainstream is the prevalent current thought that is widespread.It includes all popular culture and media culture, typically disseminated by mass media. This word is sometimes used in a pejorative sense by subcultures who view ostensibly mainstream culture as not only exclusive but artistically and aesthetically inferior.It is to be distinguished from subcultures and countercultures, and at the opposite extreme are cult followings and fringe theories.

    In the United States, mainline churches are sometimes referred to synonymously as “mainstream.”

  • Mainstream (adjective)

    Used or accepted broadly rather than by small portions of a population or market.

    “They often carry stories you won’t find in the mainstream media.”

  • Mainstream (noun)

    The principal current in a flow, such as a river or flow of air

  • Mainstream (noun)

    That which is common; the norm.

    “His ideas were well outside the mainstream, but he presented them intelligently, and we were impressed if not convinced.”

  • Mainstream (verb)

    To popularize, to normalize, to render mainstream.

  • Mainstream (verb)

    To become mainstream.

  • Mainstream (verb)

    To educate (a disabled student) together with non-disabled students.

    “Mainstreaming has become more common in recent years, as studies have shown that many mainstreamed students with mild learning disabilities learn better than their non-mainstreamed counterparts.”

  • Trend (noun)

    An inclination in a particular direction.

    “the trend of a coastline”

    “the upward trend of stock-market prices”

  • Trend (noun)

    A tendency.

    “There is a trend, these days, for people in films not to smoke.”

  • Trend (noun)

    A fad or fashion style.

    “Miniskirts were one of the biggest trends of the 1960s.”

  • Trend (noun)

    A line drawn on a graph that approximates the trend of a number of disparate points.

  • Trend (noun)

    The lower end of the shank of an anchor, being the same distance on the shank from the throat that the arm measures from the throat to the bill.

  • Trend (noun)

    The angle made by the line of a vessel’s keel and the direction of the anchor cable, when she is swinging at anchor.

  • Trend (noun)

    Clean wool.

  • Trend (verb)

    To have a particular direction; to run; to stretch; to tend

    “The shore of the sea trends to the southwest.”

  • Trend (verb)

    To cause to turn; to bend.

  • Trend (verb)

    To be the subject of a trend; to be currently popular, relevant or interesting.

    “What topics have been trending on social networks this week?”

  • Trend (verb)

    To cleanse or clean (something, usually wool).


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