Libel vs. Slander

By Jaxson

  • Libel (noun)

    A written or pictorial false statement which unjustly seeks to damage someone’s reputation.

  • Libel (noun)

    The act or crime of displaying such a statement publicly.

  • Libel (noun)

    Any defamatory writing; a lampoon; a satire.

  • Libel (noun)

    A written declaration or statement by the plaintiff of his cause of action, and of the relief he seeks.

  • Libel (noun)

    A brief writing of any kind, especially a declaration, bill, certificate, request, supplication, etc.

  • Libel (verb)

    To defame someone, especially in a manner that meets the legal definition of libel.

    “He libelled her when he published that.”

  • Libel (verb)

    To proceed against (a ship, goods, etc.) by filing a libel.

  • Slander (noun)

    A false or unsupported, malicious statement (spoken, not written), especially one which is injurious to a person’s reputation; the making of such a statement.

  • Slander (verb)

    To utter a slanderous statement; baselessly speak ill of.

  • Libel (noun)

    a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation

    “he was found guilty of a libel on a Liverpool inspector of taxes”

  • Libel (noun)

    the action or crime of publishing a libel

    “a libel action”

    “she sued two newspapers for libel”

  • Libel (noun)

    a false and typically malicious statement about a person.

  • Libel (noun)

    a thing that brings undeserved discredit on a person by misrepresentation.

  • Libel (noun)

    (in admiralty and ecclesiastical law) a plaintiff’s written declaration.

  • Libel (verb)

    defame (someone) by publishing a libel

    “the jury found that he was libelled by a newspaper”

  • Libel (verb)

    make a false and typically malicious statement about.

  • Libel (verb)

    (in admiralty and ecclesiastical law) bring a suit against

    “if a ship does you any injury you libel the ship”

  • Slander (noun)

    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation

    “he is suing the TV company for slander”

  • Slander (noun)

    a false and malicious spoken statement

    “I’ve had just about all I can stomach of your slanders”

  • Slander (verb)

    make false and damaging statements about (someone)

    “they were accused of slandering the head of state”

Oxford Dictionary

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