Kludge vs. Cludge

By Jaxson

  • Kludge

    A kludge or kluge () is a workaround or quick-and-dirty solution that is clumsy, inelegant, inefficient, difficult to extend and hard to maintain. This term is used in diverse fields such as computer science, aerospace engineering, Internet slang, evolutionary neuroscience, and government. A software kludge (often called “spaghetti code”) is frequently the result of hacking. See photo of “A network kludge” at right.

  • Kludge (noun)

    An improvised device, typically crudely constructed to test the validity of a principle before doing a finished design.

  • Kludge (noun)

    Any construction or practice, typically crude yet effective, designed to solve a problem temporarily or expediently.

  • Kludge (noun)

    An amalgamated mass of unrelated parts.

  • Kludge (noun)

    A badly written or makeshift piece of software; a hack.

  • Kludge (verb)

    To build or use a kludge.

  • Cludge (noun)

    A toilet.

  • Cludge (noun)

    alternative form of kludge

  • Cludge (verb)

    alternative form of kludge

  • Kludge (noun)

    an ill-assorted collection of parts assembled to fulfil a particular purpose.

  • Kludge (noun)

    a machine, system, or program that has been badly put together, especially a clumsy but temporarily effective solution to a particular fault or problem.

  • Kludge (verb)

    improvise or put together from an ill-assorted collection of parts

    “Hugh had to kludge something together”

Oxford Dictionary

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