A kibitka (Russian: Кибитка from the Arabic “Kubbat” – dome) is a pastoralist yurt of late 19th century Kyrgyz and Kazakh nomads.
The word also refers to a Russian type of carriage.
The kibitka uses the same equipage as the troika but, unlike the troika, is larger and usually closed. In Russian literature and folklore, kibitka is a term used mainly for Gypsy wagons. During the Russian Empire, its use to deport disgraced noblemen led to the term kibitkenjustiz (“kibitka justice”).
A tent ( (listen)) is a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over, attached to a frame of poles or attached to a supporting rope. While smaller tents may be free-standing or attached to the ground, large tents are usually anchored using guy ropes tied to stakes or tent pegs. First used as portable homes by nomads, tents are now more often used for recreational camping and as temporary shelters.
A form of tent called a teepee or tipi, noted for its cone shape and peak smoke-hole, was also used by Native American tribes and Aboriginal Canadians of the Plains Indians since ancient times, variously estimated from 10,000 years BCE to 4,000 BCE.Tents range in size from “bivouac” structures, just big enough for one person to sleep in, up to huge circus tents capable of seating thousands of people. The bulk of this article is concerned with tents used for recreational camping which have sleeping space for one to ten people. Larger tents are discussed in a separate section below.
Tents for recreational camping fall into two categories. Tents intended to be carried by backpackers are the smallest and lightest type. Small tents may be sufficiently light that they can be carried for long distances on a touring bicycle, a boat, or when backpacking.
The second type are larger, heavier tents which are usually carried in a car or other vehicle. Depending on tent size and the experience of the person or people involved, such tents can usually be assembled (pitched) in between 5 and 25 minutes; disassembly (striking) takes a similar length of time. Some very specialised tents have spring-loaded poles and can be ‘pitched’ in seconds, but take somewhat longer to ‘strike’ (take down and pack).
Kibitka (noun)
A Russian type of telega or sleigh with a (usually rounded) cover over the passenger seats.
Kibitka (noun)
A circular tent or yurt used by various nomadic peoples such as the Kalmyks and Kyrgyz.
Tent (noun)
A pavilion or portable lodge consisting of skins, canvas, or some strong cloth, stretched and sustained by poles, used for sheltering people from the weather.
“We were camping in a three-man tent.”
Tent (noun)
The representation of a tent used as a bearing.
Tent (noun)
A portable pulpit set up outside to accommodate worshippers who cannot fit into a church.
Tent (noun)
A trouser tent; a piece of fabric, etc. protruding outward like a tent.
Tent (noun)
Attention; regard, care.
Tent (noun)
Intention; design.
Tent (noun)
A roll of lint or linen, or a conical or cylindrical piece of sponge or other absorbent, used chiefly to dilate a natural canal, to keep open the orifice of a wound, or to absorb discharges.
Tent (noun)
A probe for searching a wound.
Tent (noun)
A kind of wine of a deep red color, chiefly from Galicia or Malaga in Spain; called also tent wine, and tinta.
Tent (verb)
To go camping.
“We’ll be tented at the campground this weekend.”
Tent (verb)
To prop up aluminum foil in an inverted “V” (reminiscent of a pop-up tent) over food to reduce splatter, before putting it in the oven.
Tent (verb)
To form into a tent-like shape.
“The sheet tented over his midsection.”
Tent (verb)
To attend to; to heed
Tent (verb)
to guard; to hinder.
Tent (verb)
To probe or to search with a tent; to keep open with a tent.
“to tent a wound”