Intimate vs. Insinuate

By Jaxson

  • Insinuate

    An innuendo is a hint, insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a denigrating or a derogatory nature. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one’s words, taken literally, are innocent.

    According to the Advanced Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, an innuendo is “an indirect remark about somebody or something, usually suggesting something bad, mean or rude”, such as: “innuendos about her private life” or “The song is full of sexual innuendo”.The term sexual innuendo has acquired a specific meaning, namely that of a “risqué” double entendre by playing on a possibly sexual interpretation of an otherwise innocent uttering. For example: “We need to go deeper” can be seen as either a request for further inquiry, or a request to go deeper into an intimate part.

    In the context of defamation law, an innuendo meaning is one which is not directly contained in the words complained of, but which would be understood by those reading it based on special knowledge.

  • Intimate (adjective)

    Closely acquainted; familiar.

    “an intimate friend”

    “He and his sister deeply valued their intimate relationship as they didn’t have much else to live for.”

  • Intimate (adjective)

    Of or involved in a sexual relationship.

    “She enjoyed some intimate time alone with her husband.”

  • Intimate (adjective)

    Personal; private.

    “an intimate setting”

  • Intimate (adjective)

    Pertaining to details that require great familiarity to know.

  • Intimate (noun)

    A very close friend.

    “Only a couple of intimates had ever read his writing.”

  • Intimate (noun)

    (in plural intimates) Women’s underwear, sleepwear, or lingerie, especially offered for sale in a store.

    “You’ll find bras and panties in the women’s intimates section upstairs.”

  • Intimate (verb)

    To suggest or disclose (something) discreetly.

    “He intimated that we should leave before the argument escalated.”

  • Insinuate (verb)

    To hint; to suggest tacitly while avoiding a direct statement.

    “She insinuated that her friends had betrayed her.”

  • Insinuate (verb)

    To creep, wind, or flow into; to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly, as into crevices.

  • Insinuate (verb)

    To ingratiate; to obtain access to or introduce something by subtle, cunning or artful means.

  • Intimate (adjective)

    closely acquainted; familiar

    “intimate friends”

    “they are on intimate terms”

  • Intimate (adjective)

    (of a place or setting) having a cosy and private or relaxed atmosphere

    “an intimate little Italian restaurant”

  • Intimate (adjective)

    involving very close connection

    “their intimate involvement with their community”

  • Intimate (adjective)

    (of knowledge) detailed or thorough

    “an intimate knowledge of the software”

  • Intimate (adjective)

    private and personal

    “intimate details of his sexual encounters”

  • Intimate (adjective)

    having a sexual relationship

    “they plan to wait before becoming intimate with one another”

  • Intimate (noun)

    a very close friend

    “his circle of intimates”

  • Intimate (verb)

    state or make known

    “Mr Hutchison has intimated his decision to retire”

  • Intimate (verb)

    imply or hint

    “he had already intimated that he might not be able to continue”

Oxford Dictionary

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