Inferior (adjective)
of lower quality
“Anna had always felt inferior to her brother due to poor school grades.”
Inferior (adjective)
of lower rank
“an inferior officer”
Inferior (adjective)
located below
Inferior (adjective)
Situated below some other organ; said of a calyx when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior calyx.
Inferior (adjective)
On the side of a flower which is next to the bract; anterior.
Inferior (adjective)
Nearer to the Sun than the Earth is.
“the inferior or interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury or Venus”
Inferior (adjective)
Below the horizon.
“the inferior part of a meridian”
Inferior (noun)
a person of lower stature to another
“As you are my inferior, I can tell you to do anything I want.”
Superior (adjective)
Higher in quality.
“Rebecca had always thought shorts were far superior to pants, as they didn’t constantly make her legs itch.”
Superior (adjective)
Higher in rank.
Superior (adjective)
More comprehensive, as a term in classification.
“A genus is superior to a species.”
Superior (adjective)
Located above.
“the superior jaw; the superior part of an image”
Superior (adjective)
Above the ovary; said of parts of the flower which, although normally below the ovary, adhere to it, and so appear to originate from its upper part; also of an ovary when the other floral organs are plainly below it in position, and free from it.
Superior (adjective)
Belonging to the part of an axillary flower which is toward the main stem; posterior.
Superior (adjective)
Pointing toward the apex of the fruit; ascending; said of the radicle.
Superior (adjective)
Greater or better than average; extraordinary.
Superior (adjective)
Beyond the power or influence of; too great or firm to be subdued or affected by; with to.
Superior (adjective)
Of a planet: closer to the Earth than to the sun.
Superior (noun)
A person of higher rank or quality.
Superior (noun)
The senior person in a monastic community.
Inferior (adjective)
lower in rank, status, or quality
“schooling in inner-city areas was inferior to that in the rest of the country”
Inferior (adjective)
of low standard or quality
“inferior goods”
Inferior (adjective)
(of a court or tribunal) susceptible to having its decisions overturned by a higher court.
Inferior (adjective)
denoting goods or services which are in greater demand during a recession than in a boom, for example second-hand clothes.
Inferior (adjective)
low or lower in position
“ulcers located in the inferior and posterior wall of the duodenum”
Inferior (adjective)
(of the ovary of a flower) situated below the sepals and enclosed in the receptacle.
Inferior (adjective)
(of a letter, figure, or symbol) written or printed below the line.
Inferior (noun)
a person lower than another in rank, status, or ability
“her social and intellectual inferiors”
Inferior (noun)
an inferior letter, figure, or symbol.
Superior (adjective)
higher in rank, status, or quality
“a superior officer”
“the new model is superior to every other car on the road”
Superior (adjective)
of high standard or quality
“superior malt whiskies”
Superior (adjective)
greater in size or power
“deploying superior force”
Superior (adjective)
above yielding to or being influenced by
“I felt superior to any accusation of anti-Semitism”
Superior (adjective)
having or showing an overly high opinion of oneself; conceited
“that girl was frightfully superior”
Superior (adjective)
(of a letter, figure, or symbol) written or printed above the line.
Superior (adjective)
further above or out; higher in position.
Superior (adjective)
(of the ovary of a flower) situated above the sepals and petals.
Superior (noun)
a person superior to another in rank or status, especially a colleague in a higher position
“obeying their superiors’ orders”
Superior (noun)
the head of a monastery or other religious institution.
Superior (noun)
a superior letter, figure, or symbol.