Hot (adjective)
Having a high temperature.
“He forgot the frying pan was hot, and dropped it suddenly.”
Hot (adjective)
(of the weather) Causing the air to be hot.
“It is too hot to be outside.”
“It is hotter in summer than in winter.”
Hot (adjective)
(of a person or animal) Feeling the sensation of heat, especially to the point of discomfort.
“I was so hot from being in the sun too long.”
“Aren’t you hot with that thick coat on?”
Hot (adjective)
(of a temper) Easily provoked to anger.
“Be careful, he has a hot temper and may take it out on you.”
Hot (adjective)
Hot (adjective)
(of Spicy.
“Before moving to India, I never ate hot food. The Indians love spicy food.”
Hot (adjective)
Very good, remarkable, exciting. from the 19thc.
“He’s a hot young player, we should give him a trial.”
Hot (adjective)
Stolen. from the 20thc.
“hot merchandise”
Hot (adjective)
Electrically charged.
“a hot wire”
Hot (adjective)
Radioactive. from the 20thc.
Hot (adjective)
Very physically and/or sexually attractive.
“That girl is hot!”
Hot (adjective)
Sexual or sexy; involving sexual intercourse or sexual excitement.
Hot (adjective)
Sexually aroused; horny.
Hot (adjective)
Popular; in demand.
“His new pickup is hot!”
Hot (adjective)
Very close to finding or guessing something to be found or guessed.
“Am I warm yet? — You’re hot!”
Hot (adjective)
Performing strongly; having repeated successes.
Hot (adjective)
Fresh; just released.
Hot (adjective)
Uncomfortable, difficult to deal with; awkward, dangerous, unpleasant.
Hot (adjective)
Used to emphasize the short duration or small quantity of something
“He was finished in a hot minute.”
“I dated him for a hot second.”
Hot (verb)
To heat; to make or become hot.
Hot (verb)
To become lively or exciting.
Sunny (adjective)
Featuring a lot of sunshine.
“Whilst it may be sunny today, the weather forecast is predicting rain.”
Sunny (adjective)
Receiving a lot of sunshine.
“the sunny side of a hill”
“I would describe Spain as sunny, but it’s nothing in comparison to the Sahara.”
Sunny (adjective)
“a sunny disposition”
Sunny (adjective)
Of or relating to the sun; proceeding from, or resembling the sun; brilliant; radiant.
Sunny (adverb)
sunny side up
Sunny (noun)
A sunfish.