Horison vs. Horizon

By Jaxson

Main Difference

The main difference between Horison and Horizon is that the Horison is a magazine published in Indonesia and Horizon is a apparent line that separates earth from sky

  • Horison

    Horison is a monthly literary magazine in Indonesia.

    It was founded in 1966 and originally run by the Indonesian Foundation (Yayasan Indonesia). The first issue of Horison was published on July, 1966.

    The idea to create such a magazine belonged to the writer and publicist Mochtar Lubis. The first editorial board consisted of Mochtar Lubis, HB Jassin, Zaini, Taufik Ismail, Arief Budiman (Su Haw Hin), D.S. Muliano. .

    The magazine advocates the freedom of creativity of writers, the diversity of literary forms and genres, encourages the development of young talents.

    Such well-known Indonesian writers and poets as Umar Kayam, Danarto, Arswendo Atmovilito, Sutardji Calzoum Bachri, Darmanto, Abdul Hadi WM and others expressed themselves for the first time in this magazine.

    Initially, the magazine was dominated by works with a clear political background, since the mid-1970s – mainly by the avant-garde works (Sutardji Kalzum Bahri, Putu Wijaya, Ikranegara, Danarto).

    In the years 1966-1975, it was the only established literary magazine in the country. The publication in it was a recognition of the literary talent of a writer or a poet. In the 1980s many prominent writers moved away from the magazine, although its publication continues thanks to the efforts of Taufiq Ismail and the writers of his circle.

    Since 1996, the magazine has an appendix “Kakilangit” (Horizon) destined for students and teachers of literature.

    Since July 2016, the transfer from paper to electronic format edition has been started. There are four sections in it: poetry, short story, essays, criticism .

    Together with the Indonesian Wikipedia, the work has begun to digitize the magazine paper version archive .

  • Horizon

    The horizon or skyline is the apparent line that separates earth from sky, the line that divides all visible directions into two categories: those that intersect the Earth’s surface, and those that do not.

    The true horizon is actually a theoretical line, which can only be observed when it lies on the sea surface. At many locations, this line is obscured by land, trees, buildings, mountains, etc., and the resulting intersection of earth and sky is called the visible horizon. When looking at a sea from a shore, the part of the sea closest to the horizon is called the offing.The true horizon is horizontal. It surrounds the observer and it is typically assumed to be a circle, drawn on the surface of a perfectly spherical model of the Earth. Its center is below the observer and below sea level. Its distance from the observer varies from day to day due to atmospheric refraction, which is greatly affected by weather conditions. Also, the higher the observer’s eyes are from sea level, the farther away the horizon is from the observer. For instance, in standard atmospheric conditions, for an observer with eye level above sea level by 1.70 metres (5 ft 7 in), the horizon is at a distance of about 5 kilometres (3.1 mi).When observed from very high standpoints, such as a space station, the horizon is much farther away and it encompasses a much larger area of Earth’s surface. In this case, it becomes evident that the horizon more closely resembles an ellipse than a perfect circle, especially when the observer is above the equator, and that the Earth’s surface can be better modeled as an ellipsoid than as a sphere.

    The word horizon derives from the Greek “ὁρίζων κύκλος” horizōn kyklos, “separating circle”,, where “ὁρίζων” is from the verb ὁρίζω horizō, “to divide”, “to separate”, which in turn derives from “ὅρος” (oros), “boundary, landmark”.

  • Horizon (noun)

    The visible horizontal line or point (in all directions) that appears to connect the Earth to the sky.


    “A tall building was visible on the horizon.”

  • Horizon (noun)

    The range or limit of one’s knowledge, experience or interest.

    “Some students take a gap year after finishing high school to broaden their horizons.”

  • Horizon (noun)

    The range or limit of any dimension in which one exists.

  • Horizon (noun)

    A specific layer of soil or strata

  • Horizon (noun)

    A cultural sub-period or level within a more encompassing time period.

  • Horizon (noun)

    Any level line or surface.

  • Horizon (noun)

    The point at which a computer chess algorithm stops searching for further moves.


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