Heathen vs. Pagan

By Jaxson

  • Heathen (adjective)

    Not adhering to Christian religion; pagan.

  • Heathen (adjective)

    Uncultured; uncivilized; savage, philistine.

  • Heathen (adjective)

    alternative case form of Heathen|nodot=1pertaining or adhering to the Germanic neo-pagan faith Heathenry.

  • Heathen (noun)

    A person who does not follow a Christian religion; a pagan.

  • Heathen (noun)

    An uncultured or uncivilized person, philistine.

  • Heathen (noun)

    alternative case form of Heathen|nodot=1an adherent of the Germanic neo-pagan faith of Heathenry.

  • Pagan (adjective)

    Relating to, characteristic of religions that differ from main world religions.

  • Pagan (adjective)

    Savage, immoral, uncivilized, wild.

  • Pagan (noun)

    A person not adhering to a main world religion; a follower of a pantheistic or nature-worshipping religion.

  • Pagan (noun)

    An uncivilized or unsocialized person.

  • Pagan (noun)

    An unruly, badly educated child.

  • Heathen (noun)

    a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do

    “a chance of salvation for the heathen”

    “my brother and I were raised, as my grandma puts it, as heathens”

  • Heathen (noun)

    a follower of a polytheistic religion; a pagan.

  • Heathen (noun)

    a person regarded as lacking culture or moral principles

    “eat your chips, you little heathen!”

  • Heathen (adjective)

    relating to heathens

    “heathen practices”

  • Pagan (noun)

    a town in Burma, situated on the River Irrawaddy south-east of Mandalay. It is the site of an ancient city, founded in about AD 849, which was the capital of a powerful Buddhist dynasty from the 11th to the end of the 13th centuries.

  • Pagan (adjective)

    relating to pagans or their beliefs

    “a pagan god”

Oxford Dictionary

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