Hammer vs. Maul

By Jaxson

  • Hammer

    A hammer is a tool or device that delivers a blow (a sudden impact) to an object. Most hammers are hand tools used to drive nails, fit parts, forge metal, and break apart objects. Hammers vary in shape, size, and structure depending on their purposes.

    Hammers are basic tools in many trades. The usual features are a head (most often made of steel) and a handle (also called a helve or haft). Although most hammers are hand tools, powered versions exist; they are known as powered hammers. Types of power hammer include steam hammers and trip hammers, often for heavier uses, such as forging.

    Some specialized hammers have other names, such as sledgehammer, mallet, and gavel. The term “hammer” also applies to devices that deliver blows, such as the hammer of a firearm, or the hammer of a piano, or the hammer ice scraper.

  • Hammer (noun)

    A tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding.

  • Hammer (noun)

    A moving part of a firearm that strikes the firing pin to discharge a gun.

  • Hammer (noun)

    The malleus, a small bone of the middle ear.

  • Hammer (noun)

    In a piano or dulcimer, a piece of wood covered in felt that strikes the string.

  • Hammer (noun)

    A device made of a heavy steel ball attached to a length of wire, and used for throwing.

  • Hammer (noun)

    The last stone in an end.

  • Hammer (noun)

    A frisbee throwing style in which the disc is held upside-down with a forehand grip and thrown above the head.

  • Hammer (noun)

    Part of a clock that strikes upon a bell to indicate the hour.

  • Hammer (noun)

    One who, or that which, smites or shatters.

    “St. Augustine was the hammer of heresies.”

  • Hammer (verb)

    To strike repeatedly with a hammer, some other implement, the fist, etc.

  • Hammer (verb)

    To form or forge with a hammer; to shape by beating.

  • Hammer (verb)

    To emphasize a point repeatedly.

  • Hammer (verb)

    To hit particularly hard.

  • Hammer (verb)

    To ride very fast.

  • Hammer (verb)

    To strike internally, as if hit by a hammer.

    “I could hear the engine’s valves hammering once the timing rod was thrown.”

  • Hammer (verb)

    To defeat (a person, a team) resoundingly

    “We hammered them 5-0!”

  • Maul (noun)

    A heavy long-handled hammer, used for splitting logs by driving a wedge into them, or in combat.

  • Maul (noun)

    A situation where the player carrying the ball, who must be on his feet, is held by one or more opponents, and one or more of the ball carrier’s team mates bind onto the ball carrier.

  • Maul (verb)

    To handle someone or something in a rough way.

  • Maul (verb)

    To savage; to cause serious physical wounds usually used of an animal.

    “The bear mauled him in a terrible way.”

  • Maul (verb)

    To criticise harshly.


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