In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species. In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only woody plants with secondary growth, plants that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height. Trees are not a taxonomic group but include a variety of plant species that have independently evolved a woody trunk and branches as a way to tower above other plants to compete for sunlight. Trees tend to be long-lived, some reaching several thousand years old. In wider definitions, the taller palms, tree ferns, bananas, and bamboos are also trees. Trees have been in existence for 370 million years. It is estimated that there are just over 3 trillion mature trees in the world.A tree typically has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground by the trunk. This trunk typically contains woody tissue for strength, and vascular tissue to carry materials from one part of the tree to another. For most trees it is surrounded by a layer of bark which serves as a protective barrier. Below the ground, the roots branch and spread out widely; they serve to anchor the tree and extract moisture and nutrients from the soil. Above ground, the branches divide into smaller branches and shoots. The shoots typically bear leaves, which capture light energy and convert it into sugars by photosynthesis, providing the food for the tree’s growth and development.
Trees usually reproduce using seeds. Flowers and fruit may be present, but some trees, such as conifers, instead have pollen cones and seed cones. Palms, bananas, and bamboos also produce seeds, but tree ferns produce spores instead.
Trees play a significant role in reducing erosion and moderating the climate. They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store large quantities of carbon in their tissues. Trees and forests provide a habitat for many species of animals and plants. Tropical rainforests are among the most biodiverse habitats in the world. Trees provide shade and shelter, timber for construction, fuel for cooking and heating, and fruit for food as well as having many other uses. In parts of the world, forests are shrinking as trees are cleared to increase the amount of land available for agriculture. Because of their longevity and usefulness, trees have always been revered, with sacred groves in various cultures, and they play a role in many of the world’s mythologies.
Graph (noun)
A quantities, measurements or indicative numbers) and a reference set, whose elements are indexed to those of the former set(s) and may or may not be numbers.
“bar graph|line graph|pie graph”
Graph (noun)
A set of points constituting a graphical representation of a real function; a set of tuples (x_1, x_2, ldots, x_m, y)inR^{m+1}, where y=f(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_m) for a given function f: R^mrightarrowR.
Graph (noun)
An vertices or nodes and E is a set of pairs (called edges) of elements of V; a set of vertices (or nodes) together with a set of edges that connect (some of) the vertices.
“directed graph|undirected graph|tree”
Graph (noun)
A real interval [0,1] (where, for any given edge, 0 and 1 are identified with the points representing the two vertices) and equipping the result with a particular topology called the graph topology.
“topological graph”
Graph (noun)
A product of the domain and identity of the domain, and the second projection applied to Gamma_f is equal to f.
Graph (noun)
A graphical unit on the token-level, the abstracted fundamental shape of a character or letter as distinct from its ductus (realization in a particular typeface or handwriting on the instance-level) and as distinct by a grapheme on the type-level by not fundamentally distinguishing meaning.
Graph (verb)
To draw a graph.
Graph (verb)
To draw a graph of a function.
Tree (noun)
A large plant, not exactly defined, but typically over four meters in height, with a single trunk that grows in girth with age and branches (that also grow in circumference with age).
“w|Hyperion (tree)|Hyperion is the tallest living tree in the world.”
“Birds have a nest in a tree in the garden.”
Tree (noun)
Any plant that is reminiscent of the above but not classified as a tree in the strict botanical sense.
“the banana tree”
Tree (noun)
An object made from a tree trunk and having multiple platforms.
“He had the choice of buying a scratching post or a cat tree.”
Tree (noun)
A device used to hold or stretch a shoe open.
“ux|en|He put a shoe tree in each of his shoes.”
Tree (noun)
The structural frame of a saddle.
Tree (noun)
A connected graph with no cycles or, equivalently, a connected graph with n vertices and n-1 edges.
Tree (noun)
A recursive data structure in which each node has zero or more nodes as children.
Tree (noun)
A entries or elements such that there are primary and secondary entries shown, usually linked by drawn lines or by indenting to the right.
“We’ll show it as a tree list.”
Tree (noun)
Any structure or construct having branches akin to (1).
“family tree; skill tree”
Tree (noun)
The structure or wooden frame used in the construction of a saddle used in horse riding.
Tree (noun)
Tree (noun)
A cross or gallows.
“Tyburn tree”
Tree (noun)
wood; timber
Tree (noun)
A mass of crystals, aggregated in arborescent forms, obtained by precipitation of a metal from solution.
Tree (noun)
The fifth Lenormand card.
Tree (verb)
To chase (an animal or person) up a tree.
“The dog treed the cat.”
Tree (verb)
To place in a tree.
“Black bears can tree their cubs for protection, but grizzly bears cannot.”
Tree (verb)
To place upon a tree; to fit with a tree; to stretch upon a tree.
“to tree a boot”
Tree (noun)
a woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground.
Tree (noun)
(in general use) any bush, shrub, or herbaceous plant with a tall erect stem, e.g. a banana plant.
Tree (noun)
a wooden structure or part of a structure.
Tree (noun)
the cross on which Christ was crucified.
Tree (noun)
a gibbet.
Tree (noun)
a thing that has a branching structure resembling that of a tree.
Tree (noun)
a diagram with a structure of branching connecting lines, representing different processes and relationships.
Tree (verb)
force (a hunted animal) to take refuge in a tree.
Tree (verb)
force (someone) into a difficult situation.
Tree (verb)
(of an area) planted with trees
“sparsely treed grasslands”