Gorgonzola vs. Dolcelatte

By Jaxson

  • Gorgonzola

    Gorgonzola (; Italian pronunciation: [ɡorɡonˈdzɔːla]) is a veined Italian blue cheese, made from unskimmed cow’s milk. It can be buttery or firm, crumbly and quite salty, with a “bite” from its blue veining.

  • Dolcelatte

    Dolcelatte (UK: , Italian: [ˌdoltʃeˈlatte]; literally ‘sweet milk’) is a blue veined Italian soft cheese. The cheese is made from cow’s milk and has a sweet taste.

    Dolcelatte was created by the Galbani Company (now part of Groupe Lactalis) and the name is a registered trademark. Dolcelatte was developed for the British market to provide a milder smelling and tasting alternative to the famous traditional Italian blue cheese, Gorgonzola.

    The production method for dolcelatte is similar to the methods used to make Gorgonzola. One difference is that it is made from the curd of only one milking, which makes it harder. It takes about two to three months to produce and age this cheese. The fat content of dolcelatte is higher than Gorgonzola at about 50%. Dolcelatte is comparable in taste and texture to dolceverde and torte gaudenzio cheese.

  • Gorgonzola (noun)

    A blue-veined Italian cheese, made from cow’s milk.

  • Dolcelatte (noun)

    A mild, slightly sweet form of gorgonzola cheese.


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